[center][h3][b]Raven Heartwood - Central City[/b][/h3] [@Dusksong][/center] Raven laughed at Leisy's akwardness that was quickly overridden by her enthusiasm and he found himself once again following her, only this time into a rather impressive building with people to match. Raven piped up after the nice lady told them where the help desk was with a word of thanks and made his way to the elevator. He looked at it for a moment and then looked at the stairs with a grin of his face. [b]"Yo Oliver."[/b] Oliver's head popped out of the hat and leaned over untill he was staring upside down at Raven's face. [b]"Race ya up those stairs, first one to the third floor gets this Mago berry."[/b] Raven said, briefly revealing the alluringly sweet berry before it vanished back into the box. Ears perking up at this information Eevee jumped down and they both got into runner positions at the start of the stairs. [b]"Oh, hey Leisy, you wanna play too?"[/b] Raven asked, not wanting to leave her out of things, but eager to race.