[quote=@Legion02] [@Apokalipse][@Undine][@McHaggis][@HalfOfLancelot] [hider=Alicia Stockwood][hr][hr][center][color=f26522][h2]Alicia Stockwood[/h2][/color] [img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjEwMjMwNDEwNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjc2NTExNDE@._V1_SX664_CR0,0,664,999_AL_.jpg[/img][hr][hr][/center] [h3][color=f26522]STUDENT IDENTIFICATION[/color][/h3] [color=f26522][b]N A M E:[/b][/color] [indent]Alicia Selene Stockwood[/indent] [color=f26522][b]N I C K N A M E:[/b][/color] [indent]Ally, given to her because people are lazy.[/indent] [color=f26522][b]G E N D E R:[/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=f26522][b]A G E:[/b][/color] [indent]17[/indent] [color=f26522][b]B L O O D S T A T U S:[/b][/color] [indent]Half-blood[/indent] [hr][hr][h3][color=f26522]PRESENCE[/color][/h3] [indent]By many standards Alicia could be called pretty. She got a certain 'girl-next-door' look. She knows this. More important, she makes sure that look stays. Her face is probably her most striking feature. It's perfectly framed by her long, flowing brown hair which she brushes every morning. Her light brown eyes can easily be mistaken as amber colored. To top it all of her smile (and she smiles often) is radiant enough to brighten up most people's days. Still, she is a petite girl, standing a small 5'5". She rarely wears heels, preferring to stick to comfortable ballerinas. Though, despite her low height she still walks with confidence and strength. There is always a certain intensity in her eyes. As if she carries herself with the dignity of a queen. Alicia is certainly a girl that won't move out of the way of others. As for her uniform, she'll keep it neat and iron as well as possible. Seeing it as a sign of respect towards the school, herself and the teachers. Though, when she can she'll dress in a simple shirt and jeans. Simple might in fact be the word that explains Alicia's normal dress style. She'll dress neither baggy nor tight but rather a middle point between the two. Showing off her figure while still keeping it all very modest.[/indent] [hr][hr][h3][color=f26522]ACADEMICS[/color][/h3] [color=f26522][b]H O U S E:[/b][/color] [indent]Good[/indent] [color=f26522][b]Y E A R:[/b][/color] [indent]Sixth[/indent] [color=f26522][b]E L E C T I V E S:[/b][/color] [indent]- Apparition - Care of Magical Creatures - Divination [/indent] [color=f26522][b]B E S T C L A S S:[/b][/color] [indent]Charms [sub][i]The girl certainly has a substantial talent for it. A talent zealously backed with hours upon hours of practice. Alicia is the kind of person that will not stop until she absolutely mastered a charm. Though it would serve her if she chose to delve into her books a little more to grasp the theory. Still she has a bright future ahead of her in Charms if she continues on the path she is now.[/i][/sub][/indent] [color=f26522][b]W O R S T C L A S S:[/b][/color] [indent]History of Magic [sub]You would think that with a girl as driven as Alicia, History of Magic would be a walk in the park. You'd be wrong. Years on end she barely crossed the bar to advance on. With her book open she often doodles in the class or is writing her thoughts down about some charm she's no doubt mastering. A little more focus during the lessons and a little more time spent in the library would certainly elevate her grades. But she seems very unwilling to go beyond what with earning her a "passed".[/sub][/indent] [color=f26522][b]C L U B S:[/b][/color] [indent]- Good Quidditch club - Chaser (Captain) - Herbology club - Charms club[/indent] [hr][hr][h3][color=f26522]WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY[/color][/h3] [color=f26522][b]W A N D:[/b][/color] [indent]Yew, 10 and a half inches, Reasonably springy, unicorn tail hair.[/indent] [color=f26522][b]P A T R O N U S:[/b][/color] [indent]Bobcat[/indent] [color=f26522][b]B O G G A R T:[/b][/color] [indent]Herself but old, wrinkly, dressed in rags. The old lady cackles and laughs at Alicia, waving a broken wand in her boney fingers. She misses half her teeth yet laughs as if she just saw the greatest joke in centuries. When subjected to a successful Riddikulus charm the boggart's false teeth fall out. Forcing her to stop laughing. Like a wind-up toy the denture keeps on jumping around, out of reach of the boggart who hopelessly tries to crawl towards it.[/indent] [color=f26522][b]F A M I L I A R:[/b][/color] [indent][center][img]http://catnamesplace.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/iStock_000005584686XSmall-300x299.jpg[/img][/center][/indent][indent][indent]She calls her black cat Shadowfax. The black cat was initially quite distant and never really around Alicia in her early days as a witch. In fact, for transfiguration, she almost literally had to hunt down her own cat to drag it with her to the class. The minute she'd release it, Shadowfax would jump away and run. However, the cat slowly grew affectionate of Alicia during her first winter at Salem Institute. At night it slept at her feet, though it still vanished as soon as the sun came up. After a while, Alicia and Shadowfax grew close. The girl realized that she couldn't have her cat around her constantly and accepted this fact. In return, it would seem, Shadowfax would always return to her the moment she called his name. The black cat seems to care little for pets and cuddles from other students but will actively headbutt Alicia when he wants some.[/indent][/indent] [hr][hr][h3][color=f26522]ESSENCE[/color][/h3] [color=f26522][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y:[/b][/color] [indent]Alicia has an intense personality which shines out in every field. She’s a girl of extremes, either negative extremes or positive ones. She’s a zealous protector of her friends. To the point that she may actually become over protective of them. Still she looks out constantly for those she loves and cares about. Harming one of her friends would be equal to harming herself and she has no trouble of picking up a fight if that is what is required to defend her friend. Alicia will most certaintly not shy away from bullies herself and will pick up any confrontation coming her way. However, while she will not turn down any fight, she won’t go out of her way to find one. But life is more than just protecting and helping her friends during hard times. She’s a true friend how is ready for a laugh or party (most of the time, if she isn’t practicing Quidditch or Charms). Alicia is generally a cheery, happy girl with a sunshine smile. There for her friends first and foremost but also very welcoming of strangers or new people. She’s trustworthy person and secrets she takes with her to her grave. This warm personality often attracts the attention of those who somehow think they can use or abuse her to their own desires. These people will quickly realize something else about Alicia. Namely that she is fierce like a tigress. An angry Alicia is the last thing you want as then she will most definitely make sure you regret it. This fierceness is, however, not only reserved to those who’d seek to harm or abuse her. In sports this is shown as well, being a highly aggressive chaser (some would claim she should actually be a beater) quite willing to go to the very end to secure a victory for her team. It also applies in practical courses, where her fierceness translates in constant practicing and excellence (especially in the casting of spells). However, Alicia is not all motherly tiger. She has her own insecurities. Her main fear is that she will never amount to anything great, revolutionary or changing. Instead after graduation she would never find her way in the magical world and simply wither away in the muggle one. Without any magic. Not being good enough is one of her greatest fears. Another bad spot (one she doesn’t fully realize she has) is that she’s power-hungry. Not power as in controlling people. More power as in knowing the strongest charms and spells, having the most prominent potions and so forth. Her life of extremes is perfectly laid bare in her grades. In In Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions, and Transfiguration she excels with clear and notable talent. In the other courses, however, she barely passes. Showing not even an inkling of interest or desire to work for said courses. She has been quite often the cause of great confusion[/indent] [color=f26522][b]L I K E S:[/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Mastering a spell [*] Magic! [*] Magical creatures [*] Chocolate [*] Listening to muggle music (prefers pop) [*] Being right about something [*] Helping out a friend [*] The night[/list][/indent] [color=f26522][b]D I S L I K E S:[/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Being confronted about her blood status [*] Theoretical classes [*] Losing [*] Winter [*] Dreamless sleep [*] Being ignored [*] Not being good enough at something[/list][/indent] [color=f26522][b]H O B B I E S:[/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Quidditch [*] Practicing Charms [*] Tending herbology plants [*] Playing the piano[/list][/indent] [color=f26522][b]F E A R S:[/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Spiders [*] Ending up with an unfulfilled destiny. Growing old without ever having achieved anything of actual greatness. [*] Losing or being forbidden from using magic.[/list][/indent] [color=f26522][b]B A C K G R O U N D:[/b][/color] [indent]Born of Elizabeth Johnson and Jacob Stockwood, Alicia is the second child of three. With an older brother named Alexander and a younger sister named Chloé. Mr. and Mrs. Stockwood are both very successful lawyers in the muggle world. This made sure that she never lacked anything materialistically speaking. But with her parents almost never around, it was clear that Alicia had a shortage of attention. Be it luck or fate, her parents had to work overtime quite often. So they asked a family friend to babysit to look after their three little angels. This babysit, Kate McGrath, was a witch in her own right who graduated from Salem Institute. But that's important for later. As the years moved on, Alicia grew up into a true middle child. Even with the babysit she certainly had a lack of attention. Her older brother was constantly praised for his academic achievements, while her younger sister could get away with anything. She also noticed from a very young age that her father and mother always came home quite tired. Having to deal with Chloé did nothing to help this. So she never tried to be rebellious or get into trouble. Quite the opposite, she kept quiet and to herself at home. Though at the school yard she dominated the place. Even at a young age. Though there was laps where she bullied a few other children. A combination of Kate and a stern teacher managed to root out that problem. From then on Alicia was a model student at her school. At home she fell into her own fantasies quite often. At first she drew them out but the babysit seemed to have a soft spot for Alicia's fantasies. So every night she came over Alicia sat down with her and together they talked and imagined awesome stories. Alicica wasn't particularly creative in her stories, but she told it in a way as if she was absolutely convinced that they were true. Then the letter from the Salem Institute came and the Stockwoods their life got turned upside down. At first the family wouldn't believe it. Assuming it to be some weird trick. Kate convinced them that it wasn't and convinced them to go to the Institute themselves to see it for their own eyes. They did and they ended up believing. Alicia was sent to this new, strange school far away from their home in the city. The girl was a bit confused by what was going on, but the second she set foot on the premise, her mind exploded. Suddenly her stories could be real! Even better, she could become a story herself! The amazement was one of the main motivators of her earlier years. As she pushed herself to know as much about the world as possible. Sadly she was never really a good student when it comes to theory. Her constant drive and desire to practice and actually do things often sat in the way of theoretical courses.[/indent] [hr][hr][/hider] [/quote] Most of it looks good so far, but I just had a couple of questions! First of all, you listed Alicia as a halfblood in the blood status section, but looking at the bio, it doesn't seem like the family has any magical knowledge at all — did you mean to write muggle born instead? Also, could you clarify something about the babysitter? If Alicia is a muggle born — and I'm lowkey assuming that she is because her family didn't believe in magic — it seems like she's telling Alicia about the wizarding world which would actually be illegal because she wouldn't know that Alicia is magica.. [s]also did Kate not have anything better to do than babysit some muggles lol[/s]