[@Rune_Alchemist] [Center][S]RIP Closet: Manufacturing Date to 5 seconds after Ai was locked into it[/S][/center] But seriously, that's a bad idea. Don't try to get in the way of Ai and her sister, unless you've built sufficient rapport between one of them. Even if you get Yuu's trust, Ai's is much harder to gain, and she will guard Yuu eternally and watch your every movement and action like a hawk. Thankfully, Yuu is a shieldswoman, so she can disperse a fight should one erupt between her friends, blocking one attacker and blasting the other with Heaven's Raid to make them back off. Since this hasn't happened yet (neither of the two having any real friends besides each other), I'm just going to say that Ai is most probably the one to be blasted if that should happen (Yuu loves her sister, she really does. But honestly, Ai can be a, and this is in Yuu's own mental/ signed words, [color=00aeef]"A high-maintainence, stick-in-the-mud, bitch of a chore to deal with"[/color]). I'm going to weave the openness of Yuu and the possessiveness of Ai into interactions and dialogue with them, and how they reflect their original: Mina. I'm super hyped for this, and can't wait to see the AGs in action.