[center][h1][color=a187be]Violet Braddock [/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://s20.postimg.org/pr78078dp/1cffaad95f200f068b2542c906426b74.jpg[/img][/center] Violet smiled, walking into her home as if it were full of different breeds of people every day. She smiled and shook hands and/or hugged everyone. She walked over to the newcomers, [color=a187be]"Piper? Have you ever met another hybrid before?"[/color][color=fff200] "Not until today. I must admit there is a certain familiarity that I recognized immediately."[/color] Piper held her hand out to Vlad to shake it. [color=fff200]"Grant is my mate. He is also a good man."[/color] Piper said. Nora came downstairs. She nodded and smiled at everyone. [color=6ecff6]"Wow, the house certainly filled up quickly."[/color] Piper caught a scent on the breeze and took off out the back door. She didn't have to say anything to her wolves they took off and a few minutes later they returned with another vampire. He was in tatters. Piper lifted him up by his throat and demanded, [color=fff200]"You are his lackey, what are you doing here?"[/color] After a moment of derisiveness from him she threw him to her wolves to tear apart. His screams were plenty amusing to her ears. Violet could hear something going on and walked outside. Seeing Piper had it under control she went back inside as the others were starting to talk and share information. [color=a187be]"He has sent someone to spy on us. Piper's pack is taking care of it." [/color]She said. [color=a187be]"I have one request. There is not to be one citizen in my town harmed or you will answer to me and I don't care who the offender is."[/color] This request was made and as nice and seemingly sweet as Violet was there was an underlying tone that vibrated with a seriousness that was not to be ignored. [@wraithblade6][@ojo chan 42][@mrzerkon][@dabombjk][@blackpanther]