[center][color=gray][h3]Leisy Takigawa[/h3][/color][/center] Leisy’s eyes widened, pausing as she stopped in her tracks. [color=gray]”Um, actually I was thinking of taking the elevator,”[/color] she admitted awkwardly. Per usual, the impressive Poke Corp building had an equally impressive set of staff and technologies, and the uniformed boy who manned the elevator was already peering at the two trainers curiously. However, the bespectacled secretary [i]had[/i] said that the help desk was only two flights up, so… [color=gray]”Sure, why not,”[/color] Leisy said, grinning as she looked down at her Pokemon. Bidein’s face spoke of indifference as he flourished his wings with a flap, and Naunet’s was a mask of betrayal. [color=gray]”Oh Naunet,”[/color] Leisy said, crouching down with a sympathetic frown. [color=gray]”I’ll carry you if you want?”[/color] Naunet shook her head no, and Leisy hid a secret smile—she was so cute!—before turning her attentions to Bidein. [color=gray]”Alright Dei. We all know who’s going to win with those wings, so you’re out.”[/color] The Fletchling chirped in protest, launching off Leisy’s shoulder and with a twirl before landing staunchly on the railing of the stairs. [color=gray]”Head start it is then,”[/color] Leisy translated, glancing at Bidein to see if she’d translated correctly. [color=gray]”Whenever you’re ready,”[/color] Leisy told Raven, amused at how enthusiastic Oliver was about the berry race. Big, black eyes of competitive determination contrasted with his furry white coat, but it suited him nonetheless. [hr] [center][color=indianred][h3]Shanae Eller[/h3][/color][/center] Shanae didn’t really know what to do with her time, but she’d figured that it’d been a while since she’d eaten out with her entire team. The Wailord Buffet was perfect for such occasions, offering both unlimited food and space for a full-bodied team. Many a champion had dined out there, bringing their teams full of Alakazams and Salamence’s there. [color=indianred]”How do you all feel about a quick brunch break?”[/color] Shanae asked, looking at her team. Six pairs—well nine, if you count all of her joltick’s eyes—stared back at her with everything from boredom to flat out confusion. [color=indianred]”Okay, clearly not hungry yet,”[/color] Shanae observed. Her Aron immediately turned its ice-blue eyes onto her with a glare that communicated raw anger for putting off his mealtime. [color=indianred]”Alright alright!”[/color] the woman laughed, bending down to pat the metal Pokemon’s head in apology. [color=indianred]”Off to brunch we go.”[/color] [hr] [@eklispe]