[center][h1][color=236672]Scott Fairburne[/color][/h1] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/c3effcb68e9fbf4371a1e5b8b02f7ae9/tumblr_inline_obsskqgU0e1rfjef1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][b][color=236672]Location:[/color][/b]AfterDark[/center][hr] Scott glanced about, noticing as Zoie came off and giving her a polite nod as she winked over at him. He generally got a mixed vibe of the woman, she was nice, and seemed to enjoy talking with him at the very least, but she seemed rather involved with Trisha, and that generally meant the kind of business Scott went to pains not to involve himself with. He didn't treat her any differently though, she was a customer and a regular, and so she got the treatment all of them did. Smiling over at her as she came over and made her order, Scott nodded and put a glass on the bar. [b][color=236672]"Coming right up, Miss Crawford."[/color][/b] He said politely, fishing around behind the bar for the usual bottle that was reserved for her, placing some ice in the drink before he poured it, letting it settle for a moment before he slid it over to her atop a napkin. Closing the bottle again, he tucked it back under the bar where he could easily reach it for any refills she requested. [b][color=236672]"Hope you're having a nice evening, Miss Crawford."[/color][/b] He smiled over to her in a charming and polite manner, sparking up an idle conversation more to pass the time than anything.