[center][color=indianred][h3]Shanae Eller[/h3][/color][/center] Some time passed before Shanae and her team of six arrived at the city perimeters. She looked over to take in her full team. There was Ebon, her stubborn Houndour that didn’t let her capture him without a fight; Turris, her Aron that withstood claws and teeth in battle and seemed at times indestructible; and Dius, her mischievous Trapinch whose hobby was to annoy his teammates without regard. These three Pokemon had won her many a battle during her first few days as a trainer, standing up to both greater and weaker Pokemon. Of course Shanae always made sure she was putting them into fights they had a chance of winning—no amount of wishing would allow Ebon to best a Tentacruel twice its level—and they’d come through for her every time. After a break in which Shanae rediscovered the wonder of being a trainer, she’d gone and captured Amatorius, her shy but nonetheless adorable Igglybuff; Alcedo, her quiet and understanding Joltik; and Otiosus, her oddly calm Lotad. In a way, one could divide Shanae’s team into a before and after, a tough and adorable bunch. The contrasting trios of Pokemon spoke of her life, and Shanae wasn’t embarrassed the least that she still had yet to evolve her first Pokemon. After all, she’d had to take a break to build up her life. And she’d done well, if she did say so herself. Rising up the Poke Corp chain of command was no easy feat, even if you were part of the family. Though, Shanae supposed, it would have been harder if she hadn’t been born into the industry, [color=indianred]”You lot ready for an adventure?”[/color] Shanae asked playfully, causing her Pokemon to look up at her with surprise. It'd been a while since the woman had felt this free, and her Pokemon knew that better than anyone else. A grin on her face, Shanae pointed down the dirt path. [color=indianred]”Race 'ya!”[/color]