Name: Natalee Midori Age: 16 Gender: Female Cave: 7 Personality: Natalee tries to be the perfect person to everyone. She does enjoy her alone time, but she can’t deal with being ignored. She has four years of swordfighting training. Looks: [img][/img] What you personally have with you: • Jade necklace that was given to her by a friend • A rapier that is her families treasure Dragonling name: Nyx Gender: Female Species: Illusion Dragon Personality: When a hatchling she was very timid and tended to stay hidden from everyone. But as she became older she started to not associate with anyone or anything other than herself. She tends to be very self-centred and ditches Natalee. Looks: As a Hatchling: [img][/img] As an adult: [img] [/img] Hatchling Abilities:(check under your dragon species) 1) Influence 2) Illusion 3) Transformation