[i]Perhaps I should skip the opening ceremony,[/i] Leo Young thought. [i]I mean, it's not like I have to attend, as I've been studying here my whole life.[/i] Which was exactly the problem; Leo wanted to get out of the Academy now, in order to seek his parents and the person who loved him, Daniel. This was even more imperative now that he had received a message from the latter, revealing new things that, once their full impact had been assessed, was going to make him assess his entire life so far. Basically, Daniel had sent this message: [i]Hey, apparently, your parents have a history of conceiving children and then abandoning them to 'keep them safe'; you're not the first. In their nebulous fight - which may or may not involve Void-users; my investigation is leading multiple ways - they had another child and abandoned him for his own protection. That child? The Allen Strauss Guy who keeps trying to blow up stuff in wacky experiments*. - Love you a lot, Daniel.[/i] First, Leo was flummoxed, so much so that he didn't notice that he and another student was being transferred to Noah Salik's room**; not that he cared about the rumors about Noah; the guy himself didn't sound that bad. Then...he was angry. How could his parents have kept this from him, or his [i]brother[/i]?! 'His own protection' was no longer a satisfactory explanation, even with rumors of Archemages killing each other and using everyone else as their pawns. Yes, Leo suspected that Archemages and Grandmasters were involved in what had made his and Allen's parents and Daniel abandon him, or rather, them. Fuck Archemages - except the Headmaster - and their subordinates then, if that's the case. Right now, though, he had a long-lost sibling to see. But first, he would meet up with Noah; best to give the information to someone just in case he wasn't able to meet Allen today. Running out of the room, he caught up with the Blood Mage, then said to the guy: "Hey, if something distracts me, tell Allen Strauss that we're blood siblings. Also, I don't think you're a traitor, you're actually a pretty okay guy. Anyway, hope the Orientation isn't too boring!" And with that, he went off to search for Allen Strauss, intercepting him as he and his friend, Alec, were heading to the dorms. Confronting the also white-haired, ponytailed man, Leo would be blunt and upfront: "My name is Leo Young, and you probably know me as someone who was raised in the Academy. You too have been abandoned at birth, but in the outside world. Here's the rub; apparently, the same parents abandoned us, just in different places. We're blood siblings." [i]Well, guess Noah wasn't needed after all.[/i] Then, thinking Allen might not believe him, Leo then said: "If you don't believe me, we can go to someone who can tell that we are kin; there are plenty of Magi with the needed powers. Also, the reason our parents abandoned us was apparently for our own safety - Grandmasters and Archemages are involved. Those jerks." "Oh, and you're a Mage with control of multiple elements, while I have specialist power over Mana itself. I believe we'll have much to teach each other, especially as we're both on the verge of becoming Masters." That part was true; Leo was heading for Master territory and only uncertainty was keeping him from that esteemed rank. "Also, want to quest for our parents once we reach Master-rank? That'll help us get stronger, strong enough to finally smack them around should we meet up with them - I want to teach them a lesson." Leo was sincere, although part of him was wondering if he wasn't overloading Allen with information. "Oh, and I hope this wasn't too much to take in all at once - sorry about that." ((*Agreed with Allen's player)) ((**Agreed with The GM)) [@Hippo AF][@Riffus Maximus][@TheHangedMan]