[center][color=lightsteelblue][h3]Cillian Weiss[/h3][/color][/center] Cillian’s eyes widened as he scanned through the card, impressed. Before Damian, the most impressive person he could have boasted about meeting was the mayor of his nameless hometown, and the old man had terrible memory anyway. Now, Cillian could say that he’d met a “Pokepagent coordination judge,” whatever that meant. [i]Well there’s another topic for me to research,[/i] Cillian thought in amusement. If a trainer like Damian ran the contest, Cillian wanted to know more. Upon hearing Damian’s words about sitting around all day, Cillian recoiled a bit. Perhaps Pokepagents weren’t his thing. Cillian loved the freedom and experiences a trainer had, the ability for them to journey far and wide, discover new things and meet new people and Pokemon. Nonetheless, knowledge was knowledge and it was always nice to know more about the world. [color=lightsteelblue]”Next time you have a pageant, be sure to tell me,”[/color] Cillian told the boy with a grin. [color=lightsteelblue]”Sounds interesting. I might enter myself. That is,”[/color] Cillian said, [color=lightsteelblue]”if my Pokemon are up for it.”[/color] The Mudkip shot the notion down with a flat look, and Hazmat just gave him the usual goofy grin. [color=lightsteelblue]”And, that’s a no,”[/color] Cillian translated with a laugh. He sombered up when Damian started talking about his aspirations, reminded off his own lack of direction. What did he want to do? [color=lightsteelblue]”Well, I already told you where I was from,”[/color] Cillian said with a weak laugh. [color=lightsteelblue]”As for the future, I don’t know. I’m just trying to be the best trainer I can,”[/color] Cillian admitted, looking down at his two Pokemon again. Yes, he was one of the people that had dreamed of challenging the Pokemon League and becoming champion, but looking at his Pokemon now Cillian realized just how far from that goal he was. [color=lightsteelblue]”I suppose we’ll just have to see what the future holds,”[/color] he finished lamely, slapping on a grin. [color=lightsteelblue]”To Feyhollow we go.”[/color] [hr] [center][color=indianred][h3]Shanae Eller[/h3][/color][/center] Walking down Central’s main road reminded Shanae of her early days as a trainer. She waved and smiled at passing trainers, talking with a few that recognized her as the leader of the HHG. [i]Huh. There aren’t many HHG members in Central, are there?[/i] Shanae thought, scrolling through the members’ geographic locations in her head. Indeed there seemed to be very little guild members in Central. In fact, there may very well be… [i]Zero,[/i] Shanae realized with shock, stopping in place. Yep, that was right. The most recent members had moved along in their journey weeks ago, and other members were too wrapped up in their lives to visit Central, even with their bird Pokemon more than big enough to carry them over. [i]This dilemma,[/i] Shanae thought, [i]is absolutely unacceptable.[/i] Spotting the nearest two trainers, Shanae sauntered up and plopped herself in front of them. [color=indianred]”Hello boys,”[/color] she said, looking the two up and down. They seemed to be journeying together and—by the looks of their Pokemon—just starting their journeys.[i] Much better than trying to pull experienced and therefore prejudiced trainers in,[/i] Shanae thought with satisfaction. [color=indianred]”How would you two like to join the Helping Hand Guild?”[/color] A skilled advertiser, Shanae expertly whipped out a poster for her guild and held it up in front of them as Ebon rolled his eyes and sat down knowingly. This was going to take a while. [color=indianred]”Our mission is to establish an organization in which trainers will help each other,”[/color] Shanae explained. [color=indianred]”Our mission statement is this: ‘We recognize that, as trainers, we are stronger when we help each other, so we aim to form bonds and connect with fellow trainers. We vow to treat all with respect and never turn away from a fellow trainer in need,’”[/color] Shanae explained, pointing to the two-liner emblazoned on the poster in metallic gold. Looking at the pair of trainers again, Shanae raised a brow. [color=indianred]”What do you think? You two in?”[/color] [hr] [@kiritoasuna] -- both by Cillian and Shanae