Luna calmly dipped the bag in the cup of tea, flipping through the pages of her book as she sat by a table in the middle of the living room. She barely raised a hand in a greeting as Karen stormed by, shouting in panic. The girl managed a small smirk to herself, taking a sip of the newly brewed morning cup. It was her daily ritual. Luna never did have much trouble getting up, being rather on time each day. Not to say she was a morning person at all, in fact, she rather despised mornings – until she got ahold of her tea, obviously. With a faint yawn, she closed the book, taking a last look on her attire and dusting it off in a perfectionistic manner. She had donned a woolen dress of a dark blue color, ending below her knees. Along with it, she had spent all morning fixing her hair; turning it into a neatly done spiral braid. Overall, it seemed to be the start of a most splendid day. Besides poor Karen being in an awful rush. It was the beginning of her sixth year at the Breakfast University of Magic, and her second with Viola as a roommate, and her third with Karen. At the thought, Luna turned her head towards the door of Viola’s room. A faint chuckle from within brought a smile to Luna’s lips. Though they had only shared a room for a year, Luna had enjoyed the company of someone her age, though Viola was a little younger. Being an only child at home, it had brought a series of events regular sisters might have gone through, and certainly some beyond that. Repeatedly, Luna’s room had gotten very messy all of a sudden. She had learned it was due to Viola’s mischievous poltergeists, the little playful devils that they were. But luckily they had not decided to mess up the opening ceremony for any of the three girls. Not yet, at the very least. Luna offered another quick wave towards the two, as Viola stepped outside. Behind the girl were a floating teapot and teacup, which couldn’t be anything but the poltergeists. Luna managed a quick wrinkle of her nose, a movement which had become quite characteristic about her. [Color=cornflowerblue] “Good morning, you two.” [/color] Luna said, packing up her things. She barely got to turn around before a yelp caused her to turn around again. With furrowed brows Luna blurted out. [Color=cornflowerblue] “Viola! Karen is already late as it is!” [/color] And with quick steps Luna moved towards a drawer, pulling out a dry dishcloth, offering it to Karen with a sigh. Time, ironically in Luna’s case, were running from them. Nonetheless, she looked over her shoulder and peered at Viola. She did always have trouble getting too mad at Viola, even if the spirits did become a bother every now and then. Instead of scolding her or the likes, Luna peered towards the now empty floating teacup, wetting her lips. [Color=cornflowerblue] “I’d appreciate it if you lot could at least wait until the ceremony is over, to toss tea at us.” [/color] Luna said with a bemused smile, before gathering the rest of her things. Stopping abruptly in her movement, she looked towards the supposed location of the poltergeists, speaking again. [color=cornflowerblue] “Let me rephrase that. I’d appreciate if there was no tea-tossing at all. Or any other mischievous acts.” [/color] She opened the door to the halls, awaiting the two younger girls. Yes, the ceremony always was interesting. There was a sort of sport in making bets on who’d be left the following year, and who’d drop out for whatever reason. Her eyes went to Karen – the small girl had a certain charm about her, always either being late, or having the most interesting combination of clothes. [color=cornflowerblue] “Well, come on you two. Don’t want to miss out on anything, no?” [/color] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@TheHangedMan]