[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Chapter%20Two%3A%20Retribution&name=SATAM___.ttf&size=50&style_color=ed1c24[/img][hr][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][h3][b][i]Date:[/i][/b] Sunday May 21th, 2017[/h3][/center][center][hr] [@Sigil] [@Morose] [@Dragoknighte] [@Scallop] [@Nallore] [@Pundii][/center][hr][hr] [@Dragoknighte] - "Yeah, I can hook something up," Relic says as he leads Mali through the building, opting to take the stairs instead of the elevator down. He keeps moving down, to sub basement 7. Stopping he looks around and then heads down the hall to the right till he reaches a door titled "1920-1940" - pushing the door open he steps inside before placing his bag on an very dusty table and pulling out his laptop. Opening it he leans over and gets to work at setting up a connection "Okay, got a secure way for you to do this," he says unwinding a USB cable and passing one end to Mali. "Just make the call and you clear to say or send what you need. The connection will override your bars and I have it routed through the dark net. It's as safe as you can get other than standing in Fort Knox and talking to her face to face in a safe." Leaving Mali to do what she needs he starts going through shelf after shelf looking for something. Pulling out stacks of plans and laying them on another table before going back and getting more. [@Nallore] - Roys nods to both questions and rubs the back of his neck as he looks at Riley. "Yeah, pretty much. Don't get me wrong, would love to sit down and talk to someone else about this shit and get a fresh perspetive but I can't. Especially not now that we got some high flying fucking FBI Agent in town taking over cases. What kind of fucking name is Tinder anyways? What? Is he used to start fires? What? The Government think just because he went to some high school where there was a serial killer he should be able to handle this shit?" Roy rambles more to himself than to Riley. [@Pundii] - "Wonderful night so far, hope it gets any better. Though I have to admit that I am as nervous as a June Bug in the middle of Sprin'" Zoie says as she takes the glass and places it to her lips, taking a small sip. Leaning back in her seat she crosses her long legs and eyes him for a moment before glancing down at her drink as she runs her fingers over the lip of the glass. "Ever just want to disappear in a crowd and start yer life over hun? Ya know, forget who yas are and make someone new?" she asked wistfully as her thick country twang came through a lot thicker suddenly. Coughing slightly she waved off the answer and looked back up at Scott. "So, how are you liking Justice?" [@Scallop] - [color=82ca9d]"Deal, okay. Let's have a seat and let me bring you up to speed on what I know that the rest of the world doesn't,"[/color] he says as he unbuttons his suit jacket and suits down. Resting his arms on his thighs he looks at Felix. [color=82ca9d]"The man, David Lawson; that was in a shoot out last week. He was here undercover on my orders. He came to work for the FBI after a career change when he left the Marines. Wanted a fresh start. I knew something was up out here in Justice but I couldn't come at first because of another case. Lawson was my in guy. He called me the night he died, told me that he had some information and that he would be flying out to D.C. the next day so we could talk. Then I found out he was dead. I know the man that claimed responsibility to Peyton's death was in with the same league of people that killed Lawson, I just don't know how yet."[/color] [@Morose] - Tasha pulls off her gloves as she steps over to the computer to look at the file and reads through it. [color=f26522]"That's odd,"[/color] she says as she looks over towards Cecily and then points at the screen. [color=f26522]"Look at these. We have a bombing, a drowning, a shooting, a stabbing. This isn't a serial killer, this is a killer for hire,"[/color] she says as she looks back at the screen. [color=f26522]"Serial killers have a specific way to do things. It is like their calling card. They like order but all of these are different. And the methods are something else. Sure, there are a lot of common things you would see but there is also others. Poisoning, ad others. These are more passionate. Whoever did this... ten to one odds; it's a female."[/color] - Ronni shrugs. "Because the world fucking sucks that's why," he says as he looks around and then heads into the building with Tuesday. Heading up the stairs and knocking on the door. "Riley, it's Ronnie," he says and motions for Tuesday to hide around the corner. If Marc was in there he wanted to give her the chance to dart off if she wanted. [@Sigil] - The streets are pretty clear, well for Justice that is; basically meaning traffic is actually moving instead of it being gridlocked. It takes about ten minutes to get to the destination. At the front desk of the coroners office is a mousey looking woman with brown hair and glasses sitting on the tip of her nose. Looking up slowly from the top of her book her eyes widen a bit looking at Caesar and in a thick English accent says, "Caa...an I help you?" she asks before knocking over her diet soda all over her paper work. "Bloody hell!" he gasps as she tries to clean it up. The folks in the room when Keystone enter jump out of their skin and cards going flying everywhere. These are still some of the folks that were there before MSS came to the building - the ones from MSS that Alicia had hired are at a single table or standing around it as if nothing happened with their hands behind their back looking over for a moment from the table they are using to go over floor plans. "Assholes milking their hours until they get fired," one of the men at the control panel says.