[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Elizaveta%20Romanova&name=IndentureEnglishPenman.ttf&size=100&style_color=a187be[/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/b92d0d7c43ae4cdb6795435782b2bc56/tumblr_nhq6pkG7aH1ts118io1_500.gif[/img][hr][i]Interacting With:[/i] [@Kyrisse] [@alexfangtalon][hr][/center] Looking at Nikolai as he looked at her, she felt her breath hitch in her chest. They had been speaking since his arrival and had looked at each other as they did. The conversation seemed to come easy for them and of that he was grateful. Yet until that moment she hadn't locked eyes with his and standing there she felt a jolt run through her before a small smile graced her pouty full lips and she felt her cheeks warm. Looking down gracefully she collected herself and let out a wispy breath from said lips as the conversation continued around them. Glancing up to Leon she nodded appreciatively. [color=a187be]"I am sure you will get along with your betrothed most famously," [/color] she assured Leon before glancing around the room. Her swan like neck craning this way and that to take in those around them and watching them speak. [color=a187be]"They all seem fascinating. Oh I know,"[/color] she said as she looked back to the two regents before and a sparkle lit in her eyes. [color=a187be]"Why don't we see if we can solve the mystery of who you betrothed is? Would be an interesting way to pass the time and perhaps then you can tuck the knowledge up your sleeve for when you see your parents? Not for anything malicious mind you, just good fun. I know not about you but I would fluttering like a butterfly if I had not known whom my betrothed was before arriving. My nerves were already on edge as it was to be out of the nation,"[/color] she admitted. Though she had been nervous and still was, the way she spoke and conducted herself gave nothing of that away. The only slip in her ever calm exterior had come just moments ago.