Crime Bosses OOC Everyone knows the city isn’t actually run by the politicians, or by the dirty cops. No. The city is run by the wealthiest men and women. How did they become so wealthy? By doing illegal shit of course, don’t ask stupid questions. They rule with an iron fist, feeding off of each other’s illegal trades, and paying off the cops to keep their mouths shut, or to make them move when they need someone to be silenced. Everyone knows who the bosses are, but few know what they look like. The bosses use their little minions to do all of their collecting for them. You say you want to talk to the big man face to face? Well too damn bad, he is busy and you aren’t worth is time. In this RP you will either play as a Crime boss (you get to choose your illegal trade), a minion, a cop (good or dirty), or maybe a customer of one of the bosses, or many a civilian that has somehow gotten caught up in the organization. Rules: 1) Please respect other players (i.e. no god moding etc.) 2) I am hoping there will be romance as well as violence, but once things start getting heated, if you want to continue the spicyness/gore, please take it to PM 3) This is a casual RP so please respond to with at least three to five sentences per post 4) Please wait at least two posts before posting again (even if someone mentions you in the post right after yours) 5) HAVE FUN!! 6) I hate odd numbers so here is a random 6 :) CS Name: Age: Gender: Bio/Personality: (please include if you are a boss, dirty cop, etc, and how you came to be so) Appearance: (pictures preferred (can be anime or real) descriptions accepted) Other: (weaknesses if not already mentioned, fears, etc.)