"Well you're wrong Shu... You are stupid if you think I won't help you with that," Takeshi retorted, frowning as he looked at his brother, "We'll figure out a way for you to control it. I have a monster too. When I get angry I do bad things, you know? I don't change but I may as well be, I do things I really shouldn't do. So we'll work on it together, alright buddy?" They had to even if he had no clue what they were going to do for it. Vegeta and Aito both expected him to help out Shu and yet here they were weeks later and no progress had been made. Would asking again be bad? Even if it was Takeshi would check in with Aito once they returned, he needed help with this. Reaching over to Shu he smiled and placed a hand on his brother's head, giving his hair a gentle, affectionate ruffle. "I know I kept saying I'd help buddy, but we'll work on it this time. As soon as we get back we're gonna go see Aito and he'll help us, okay? Then you won't have to worry about monsters anymore." "Your ability is a unique trait, one that very few beings have. So yes, naturally those who do not know you have some curiosity about it, that's to be expected," Vegeta stated plainly, frowning as he met Viral's eyes, "But that does not justify what was done to you, and nothing I say now will make what you endured disappear. Take some solace in knowing we've all but upended their Beastman project and the work they strove so hard to achieve is all but gone. Those who were effected by those experiments are safe now and you're on the road to recovery, take heart in that much." It was about as perfect a revenge as Viral could get on the Saiyans, being responsible for tearing down the program that, through him, they had worked so hard to achieve. Even with their supposed truce Vegeta was certain that the King wouldn't take this lying down and was bound to strike out, then again he may be too preoccupied with other matters as well. Yumi just wanted Viral to enjoy himself for once, to be able to take pride in what he had done. He had played a huge role in saving all of these people and preventing future disasters, how could he not be happy with himself? She hated how he downplayed his significance, his part had been a major one. "You beat two of those giant monsters, Viral, and a lot of the smaller ones too. There was no way we could have done that on our own, and only because you did that we were able to save everyone," Yumi spoke, smiling as she placed a hand on Viral's paw, "There's nothing small about that. None of this would be happening without you." Even with that she felt like he still didn't feel appreciated, that he was just another face, a part of the crowd that had worked towards their salvation. Up until now T'charrl had gotten most of the recognition and while well deserved there were others who had played a part in all of this. Biting her lip she cast her glance out towards the bonfire in the center, spotting the leader approaching them, several of the guards in tow. Curious about what was going on she got to her feet unsteadily, putting on a smile as they approached. "Hello there! Um... Is everything okay?" Yumi asked, her eyes drifting to the men boasting spears. "They're decorative, before you worry," the chieftain said with a laugh, his men clacking in laughter behind him, "And yes, better than okay! Villagers were saved, our village is saved, the Dark Ones are no more! You did us a great favor, we owe you more than we can ever repay. This celebration is small but it is the very least we can offer." Looking down to Viral then he tilted his head slightly and went silent, almost looking like he was observing the Beastman before placing a hand on his chest and lowering his head. "You must be the one they call 'Viral', yes? I hear you killed many of the Dark Ones, some as big as the hills! Such bravery, such power... Were it not for you many would be dead, many more may have died, but no more." Turning then towards everyone gathered the chieftain raised his arms, the six guards smacking their spears against the ground to silence the music briefly. "Everyone! Please, let us show our thanks for Viral, the slayer of the Dark Ones!" he shouted out, drawing applause before he'd even finished, "Enjoy yourselves and be sure to thank the man responsible for your salvation!" T'charrl had already received some gifts and now it appeared that it was Viral's turn. Many small natives approached Viral after the chieftain gave his word, all bearing some fashion of gift, be it a small morsel of food or an item of value to them. One by one they came forward and placed it in a neat pile before him, each sharing a few words of gratitude before skittering back to their parents. Some had been saved from an early death because of his actions, others had family returned to them that had been taken, regardless of their story all were indebted to Viral and the others. T'charrl jumped slightly at the applause, not expecting it to be as loud as it was. Though it had been directed towards Viral he noticed others still giving him and T'charrl smiles, and the rest of their group as well. Being so openly acknowledged and thanked made his face heat up in embarrassment as he tried to hide it, lowering his gaze and wringing his hands together nervously. It was... Nice, he was just terribly unused to it. "W-Well... When we get back I'm sure there's a way we can work on it..." he uttered once the noise died down, looking to his friend with a small smile. "You didn't think you could d-do the portal without having problems, b-but you did... I think you can do anything if you really want to..." He might offer to help, offer to train with T'charrl or to work with him on whatever he needed if he thought he could be of any use. The strength gap between them was too great, asking him to train was about as good as sparring with a punching bag. He didn't know enough about energy either, Ki being his own and never mind whatever they called T'charrl's. He'd love to help but he had no idea how to. Still... "If I can h-help any way just ask," Haku offered, "I don't know w-what I can do, but I'll try."