[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/SNFrAA3.jpg[/img] [h2] [color=9966cc] [u] [b]Eris ⚜ Reinhardt[/b] [/u] [sup][sup][b]Height:[/b] 164 cm ⚜ [b]Weight:[/b] 56 kg ⚜ [b]Age:[/b] 16 years[/sup][/sup] [/color] [/h2] [/center] [color=9966cc][u][sub]⚜ [b]N A M E [/b][/sub][/u][/color] [color=c0c0c0][indent]Eris Reinhardt.[/indent][/color] [color=9966cc][u][sub]⚜ [b]G E N D E R [/b][/sub][/u][/color] [color=c0c0c0][indent]Female.[/indent][/color] [color=9966cc][u][sub]⚜ [b]R A C E [/b][/sub][/u][/color] [color=c0c0c0][indent]Human.[/indent][/color] [color=9966cc][u][sub]⚜ [b]D I V I N E B L E S S I N G [/b][/sub][/u][/color] [color=c0c0c0][indent][b][color=9966cc]BLESSING OF ARMS:[/color][/b] Eris can wield anything that she can conceptualize as a weapon with utmost mastery. She can keep on fighting at her best regardless of any effect that might impair her ability to do so, as long as she's not physically restrained. [b][color=9966cc]BLESSING OF SHADOWS:[/color][/b] Perhaps it was a twist of fate that led Eris to find this, but she is gifted with Yin magic, being able to use it at an advanced level without any formal training.[/indent][/color] [color=9966cc][u][sub]⚜ [b]M A G I C [/b][/sub][/u][/color] [color=c0c0c0][indent]Yin Magic.[/indent][/color] [color=9966cc][u][sub]⚜ [b]P E R S O N A L I T Y [/b][/sub][/u][/color] [color=c0c0c0][indent].[/indent][/color] [color=9966cc][u][sub]⚜ [b]B I O [/b][/sub][/u][/color] [color=c0c0c0][indent].[/indent][/color] [color=9966cc][u][sub]⚜ [b]T H E M E [/b][/sub][/u][/color] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7wryLYBzZg[/youtube][/center]