[center][h2]Saturday, March 25th[/h2][/center] It has been about two weeks since the whole Kylie fiasco and it seemed that life was moving on. Kylie had been sent somewhere to get help, the Reese's family had hired a new girl for the diner, and things were running more smoothly. Nathan felt bad about the whole thing but could do no more than lend his best friend an ear if he felt like ranting. On the up side, Melissa was a great help to the diner which left James with more free time to relax and hang out. In fact, Nathan was just about to invite James over to his apartment. It's been a long time since James' last visit and it was way too awkward to hang around the Reese's place. Nathan had woken up at 9:00 a.m., which was pretty early for a Saturday morning. He was unsure of whether or not his friend was awake, but decided to text him anyways. [color=firebrick]"Hey, want to come over if you're free today? I have nothing to do," [/color] he texted. After he finished doing his morning routine, he looked around the apartment to see if he should clean up a little. It'd be rude to have a messy apartment when you're inviting someone over. And even if James wasn't coming, he should probably do some spring cleaning anyways. There were some dirty dishes on the floor along with some empty ramen containers. It wasn't too bad... but maybe he should also vacuum the place, just in case. He took the dirty dishes and put them in the sink to wash later. Then he grabbed the empty ramen containers and threw them into his trash bag which was dangerously full. [color=firebrick][i]"Guess I should take out the trash while I'm at it,"[/i][/color] he thought to himself. He somehow managed to tie the trash bag up and carry it to the dumpster out back. Once he got back inside, he went to look for his vacuum cleaner in his closet. He hadn't vacuumed in an embarrassingly long time so it took him a while to dig it out from behind all his other junk. [color=firebrick]"Aha!"[/color] he exclaimed as he finally found it. He plugged it into the wall outlet and began to vacuum. When he had finished, he wiped some sweat from his forehead. Now all he had to do was spray some Febreze and do the dishes and then he'd be done. He went to the kitchen-area of his apartment and poured himself some orange juice. All that 'work' had made him thirsty. As he drank his juice, he wondered if James had gotten his text yet...