Vert leaned away from the Red Gem Lady who approached- not out of any antisocial tendency, but because she was still sparking up a storm like a short green lightning rod. She wasn't sure how dangerous she was to her fellow Gems in this state. [color=8dc73f][i]Really wish I'd decided to stay awake after...[/i][/color] ...She stopped her train of thought before it became too self-destructive, and turned her head toward Red Lady. [color=8dc73f]"Erm... no, thank you. I'm fine. I've been hurt worse than that before. You... should probably keep your distance. This,"[/color] she said, gesturing to the spark storm around her, [color=8dc73f]"isn't for show."[/color] She floated over toward the tall blue Gem, still keeping her distance. [color=8dc73f]"I'm going with you. I need someone to teach me how to not light up like Polaris every time I get mildly excited, and Blood Clot over there has earned my undying hatred for reasons that should be pretty apparent to anyone who's spent 30 seconds with him. You're the best option both out of process of elimination and the fact that you don't want to wrap your hands around my throat or... whatever."[/color] She paused, staying silent for the next few seconds, before turning her head toward Aquamarine. [color=8dc73f]"You seem nice. And you're an enemy to Homeworld. That's a good-enough reason to side with you in my book. So... I'll follow you wherever it is you want me to follow."[/color]