Perhaps it was too much of a question to ask Angela. The disappearance of her mother was something Fareeha obsessed about for many years when she was younger. At times she thought the older Amari to be dead, yet no body was ever found. She asked anyone she could, but each potential lead led to another dead end. Angela was the final lead in her immediate circle. If she didn't know anything about the disappearance, others would perhaps yield the same answer. Though Fareeha expected the answer, it didn't make it any easier. She swallowed her disappoint. "It's okay. I don't remember that much about her, but she's still family," she said. "Until I see a body, I'll keep looking. Or simply move on." Surprised by the touch, Fareeha looked at the hand then to Angela. Her next word brought a mixture of yearning and betrayal. "Angela. If she didn't want to hurt me, she wouldn't have left," she said. Remembering where she was, Fareeha cleared her throat and pulled away. "Sorry, that got too personal. Why don't you finish up?" She pointed at Angela's plate. "Take your time. When you're done, I'll introduce you, properly, to the medical elements of the 5th. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to have you."