Fareeha laughed. "The nice thing about the ESF is that we're mixed. Man, woman, you fight. So don't worry about them going stir crazy." She looked at Angela's pale complexion and contrasted it against her own. Then she thought about the implications of having a foreigner fight amongst them. "But you're right. They don't see Europeans that much. You also represent something more than your appearance difference. You remind all of us there's still a world beyond our burning Egypt. An Egypt where we can't even afford our dead a proper burial. You show us that the world still cares. Or least people still care." Whatever could be done to maintain moral, Fareeha didn't dismiss it. She used it, milked it for all that it was worth. There was more to war than numbers and weapons. There was the psychological aspect of it as well. Many times, she wanted to break. To seek a mentally unfit dismissal from what she'd seen. However, she survived the massacre at Tanta. After surviving that, she knew she could survive whatever else the Omnics threw her way. It fueled her hatred for the machines while strengthening her resolve of saving anyone she could. No life was expendable in her book. "Anyway, we'll get you settled in. You can either stay with me or stay with the other medical personnel. You're a rare exception to normal military protocol. I think," Fareeha said. "We'll also have to get you up to speed on the current situation here in Egypt. We've got a long day ahead of us. Unfortunate, hmm?"