[@dabombjk][@Ojo chan 42] Mithias blinked. He watched jean carefully, but other than that, his thoughts and expressions were hidden in black. Suddenly, he recognized Jean from Soldier's records on him. "Youyou." Mithias said, and kept his hold on Grant, revealing what he knew to the human. He took some satisfaction upon seeing Jean's reaction to hearing his old name. He figured Jean had probably been able to recognize him because of his unique eyes; so much for the ninja getup. Mithias was too easy to recognize. "You've come a long way since your betrayal of Soldier, assassin. I find it very interesting that you're associated with this O'Neil reporter. How did that come to be? I wonder." Knowing who Jean was gave Mithias plenty reason to keep his guard up. However, since Mithias himself had so recently been betrayed by Soldier, surviving a bomb blowing up in his car, he and Jean may both have been on the same side of the fence by now. It would depend on how much Jean and this vampire friend of his knew about what was really going on within Soldier. Mithias had yet to find out who this handsome vampire was that he was holding, and it did not escape his notice that his direct question had gone blatantly unanswered. Regardless, he had already gained a lot of information on the two of them and their characters. Chances were, they weren't going to be enemies in the end. He have to take a chance in trusting them. He looked down at Grant and eased his blade away. It was one of his katana-style swords that he kept at his sides. "So, I see you are not cowards. Fortunately for you, neither am I." Mithias didn't fear for his life so much or doubt his own abilities such that he would kill two potential innocents. He let Grant go. "We will talk. Why don't you begin by answering my question, vampire. Who are you, and why have you two returned here tonight?"