Watching as the mad man threw his weapon aside, the tension that was in the air seemed to ease up. Khan heard the tension of the great bows behind him ease as their weilders removed the arrows... through the keen observer would notice that they kept the arrows on hand. Before the fight could get underway however, more humans arrived and the situation seemed to get out of hand with threats thrown about like leaves in the wind... before a single laz shot rang out. Looking towards the source of the noise, Khaz watched in silence as a woman attempted to bring some order to the situation before it could sprial further out of control. With nothing to say to anyone that had arrived, Khaz pulled his sword from the ground and started to brush the dirt off the blade. It would need to be properly cleaned and sharpened but there would be time for that later. [@Andreyich][@The Lioness][@Dannyrulx][@agentmanatee][@NecroKnight]