Ritsu Wrapped his arms from behind Cassius and grabbed him by his waist, nuzzling into the nape of his neck affectionately, "You seem tense, Is everything alright? Are you seeing Someone behind my back? I bet he's not as Wild as me." Ritsu said with a flirtatious tone. "In all Seriousness though things could be going much worse, I think so at least. The Company isn't bad, I can even learn to tolerate Fox Breath. I know he's one of your oldest friends." Ritsu said in a playful manner as he spun Cassius around and held him in the crook of his arms like a dancer holding his partner before setting him back and laughing. Hitori on the other hand had found some odd place to sleep and was curled up in a mass of white fluffy tails that only flickered every so often, The mass of Fluff had decided that under a Cabin bench would be the ideal nap spot and dreamed. Inside his dream was a tall winged thing with burning eyes and a Witches hat on strings, like some strangely made Marionette that seemed less playful and more like a cruel parody of life, in the Dream Hitori was devouring the Liver of some ancient forgotten monster and took a detached interest in the thing, it seem ominous and Hitori didn't get to be as old as he was Ignoring omens. It was Stricken from heaven and it fell into the Mist of the Spirit Wilds below, shattering into a million pieces which sparked like Coins falling or Silver Fairies dancing in the shadows. It was definitely a pretty dream, Hitori thought as the Swam through a dreaming sky; yipping and twitching softly under his pile of tails.