Horus caught the coin in mid air and took in a deep breath before opening his fist. The coin was revealed to show tails, focusing Horus towards 'The Desperado'. He remembered passing the casino during his first visit to New Reno, it was hard to miss. Located on Virgin street right beside the ancient 'Reno' sign the casino was a glowing beacon of bright gold lights attempting to steer any travelers through its doors. As Horus made his way there he tightened the bandana around his face and made every attempt to conceal his misshapen flesh. He hadn't attempted to enter 'The Desperado' during his first visit but wasn't willing to take a chance on his first lead and be refused at the door. As he approached the casino Horus could feel the heat emanating from the hundreds of lights that lined The Desperado sign. Had he not been wearing tinted riding goggles Horus would probably be squinting in his admiration for the sign. Walking closer to the front door Horus' heart began to speed up. He'd never been one for subterfuge and just kept trying to remind himself not to speak. There were 2 bouncers at the door, both seemed like towering giants to Horus. They seemed disinterested in him from a distance and as Horus nervously stared at them through his goggles he hardly noticed them even crane their neck towards him as he walked through the massive double doors. Horus had to restrain himself from letting out a sigh of relief as he passed the guards for fear that his exhaling decay into a gargle. From the moment he stepped inside the casino Horus was overwhelmed by the heat and noise of all the patrons within. Shouts of anger and cheers of joy rang out from the roulette tables as the *pinking* of the roulette ball ended in a fast vibration signaling the spin had concluded. Various electronic noises rang out from the slot machines accompanied by the satisfying sound of coins paying out into a metal tray to a lucky patron. All the sights and sounds were strangely calming for Horus. It felt like another glimpse into the memory he had of the world before the bombs fell. Almost every square inch of the casino felt and looked just like the casinos did back before the war. Gathering himself Horus recalled Bianchi's description of his cousin Mancini. Horus scanned the casino floor and noticed a man who fit the description sitting over at the bar chatting to a few other men. As Horus approached he overheard bits and pieces of their conversation and heard one of the other men call Mancini by name. He knew he had the right man. Horus approached Mancini and waited for him to take notice. After a few moments the group ceased their conversation and acknowledged Horus. "You need something?" [color=green]"Had a chat with your cousin Bianchi. I'm looking for work."[/color] Horus' heart raced again as he spoke. He knew he wouldn't get through this whole job miming everything he did and secretly prayed Mancini wouldn't just turn him away for being a ghoul, or better even notice he was a ghoul through voice alone.