[hr][hr][color=DarkCyan][center][h1]Erin Marie Chase[/h1] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/3607e9af132bf7529ac4c80dc58952ee/tumblr_mij1h00blb1rgqxuko1_500.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Cassie Jones and Webster Hamilton ([@smarty0114]), and Elena Reese ([@Nallore]).[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] Flappy wings, hot head, bookworm and sleepy… this was the group she was supposed to be traveling with..? This was definitely going to be an interesting week… Turning her head around as the sound of voices floated up to her from those who felt themselves brave enough to approach, Erin let her dark gaze focus on the blue haired girl who stood before her; eyes sparkling and voice soft- seriously..? When was Cassie going to get over the fact that Deon didn’t two shits about her; or anyone else for that matter… it was the one thing the two of them seemed to have in common. [color=deepskyblue]"We'll be careful Cassie. I promise,"[/color] What else was there to say now that Webster had answered for the both of them..? Furrowing her brows slightly out of boredom towards the whole situation, Erin let her attention wander off, her gaze following Webster’s movements for a few moments as he made his way back towards the cabins before finally, she was pulled back to the present by the sound of another familiar voice calling out for her attention- so Elena wanted to be the one to go… if that was the case, then why hadn’t she stood up and spoke out like the grease monkey had..? “Why would he choose you, or any of the others in your damn cabin..? Your father is the one who wants his head after all...” She didn’t care if Elena thought she was being a bitch; the truth hurt. It was [i]her[/i] father who was demanding Alan’s death for something that he so obviously didn’t do; and with the way that Deon had gone well out of his way to make it clear he wasn’t going to do anything at all to help, why would he even bother going to another Ares child..? “Now, uh, why don’t you run along and play with your little swords… some of us have the unfortunate luck of actually having to do some work…” Rolling her eyes at the thought of now having to go back to her cabin to pack, Erin turned on her heel, ignoring the calls of anyone else who seemed intent on gaining her attention as she made her way back towards the cabins and away from the obstacle tower, seeming to follow along in her older half-sister’s footsteps even if no one seemed to take notice.[/color]