Angela smiled and nodded her head, affirming the plans Fareeha spoke of. The Swiss woman knew she'd be very busy here. She'd likely help the medical unit while she was here on this base, and be busy with the wounded when she followed Fareeha's soldiers into battle against the omnics. "If you do not mind, I would prefer to stay with you instead of the medical personnel. We have talking that we need to do in privacy." She said, sliding her empty tray aside. Once they were ready, they went to the medical unit and introduced Angela to the various medics, nurses, and doctors. She was polite and calm, and even checked on a few of the patients that were from Fareeha's unit. The one that had been missing a leg was one she spent a little extra time talking to. He praised Angela for helping him gain some hope. It had been what had pushed him to complete that two hour trek from the caves to the base. Angela smiled, humbly accepting his praise. She was used to being thanked for ehat she felt was her duty. Some would say she was a miracle worker, but she wasn't. She had limits to what she could do. She exited the room the man was recovering in and looked to Fareeha, who had been waiting. "He is doing much better. His leg could easily be fitted with a prosthetic when it heals... He could even return to duty if the prosthetic is strong enough." She informed. It was only right that the Captain know of the condition of her soldiers. "Where to now? Is there anyone else important that I need to meet?"