[i]So I guess old Sasha was right huh? This place did stink to high heaven. How could something like this get approved by higher ups without even a shred of evidence being released to the public? Lord knows the right "liberal" people would have destroyed this place long ago if they would have found out. I guess it is an inside job for us then, huh?[/i] as Xander's mind trailed off he noticed Elizabeth and Nancy together from afar. [color=f26522]"Not one, but two gorgeous woman chit chatting it up in the hall? What a lucky day for a "mentally unstable" man such as myself! Unless the drugs have finally taken hold and you two aren't actually here. Which is okay because that just means my mind has gotten really good at this whole 'imagination' thing."[/color] As he joking around his arms stretched upward with a yawn. It seemed a lot of the staff had met up for one of their 'pow wows'. Turning to Nancy, [color=f26522]"Y'all get the coordination done for the homecoming dance or something?"[/color] [@Xandrya] [@Inda]