Castor watched passively with mild amusement as the Captain asserted her authority. Personally, he considered the show of force to be a little unnecessary considering the shitstorm these soldiers had just survived but it was not his place to question Captain Weiss' time and place to enforce discipline. He remained in the back as Junior Commissar Kata dispensed their new orders and threatened punishment ([i]yawn[/i], Castor thought) and his gaze lingered on her as she sashayed away. "She's far too pretty to be a Commissar, don't you think?" he mumbled to the Guardsman standing next to him, one of the Cadian survivors, who nodded emphatically and burst into silent laughter. Castor flashed the man a lopsided grin and started making the rounds throughout the gathered soldiers, leaning closer to the most drunken examples who stood teetering on their legs and told them to freshen up and get some sleep while Captain Weiss was interrogated on some trivial matter -- Castor heard the word 'banner' being used. Eventually, his little walk brought him to John, the boastful challenger and apparent abhuman racist. The Commissar casually sauntered over to the big man and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Son," Castor began, his voice low, "it seems like you've just been conscripted into the Imperial Guard. Welcome. One of our rules, however, is that we don't fight our own. And that... goat over there, that you wanted to fight so badly, is actually one of our own. I know, it's a little strange, but they fight just as good as the rest of us. That's what matters. Don't you want to make the Emperor proud? Then work with these abhumans and the rest of us. Alright?" The Commissar looked John in the eyes and nodded once, slowly. "Do the right thing. Get some rest. Be here tomorrow morning." [@Andreyich]