Jun took a handful of popcorn and popped a few in her mouth as she felt a calmness wash over them. She had never felt comfortable with another person before, especially a boy. With the bad habits of her father she had always kept her distance with people and never allowed herself to feel secure without anyone but herself. She thought about Kenton's brother and how different they seemed to be compared to him. She couldn't help but smile as she felt the walls she'd built around herself start to crumble. They two of them stayed cuddled up together, and she took turns feeding herself popcorn and then feeding him. She found herself slightly less scared when Kenton would hug her waist closer to him. Jun found herself a little amused by the small jumps he'd give and he scared her more than the movies. She wasn't sure how long they'd been sitting with her slightly on his lap, but she didn't care to move if he didn't want her to. When the second movie ended she lifted her arms to stretch herself out and gave a small yawn. "I don't think I've had a day like this in months. I'm usually working or dealing with family things. It's nice to come here and just focus on you or the entertainment," she said turning to face him. She found herself placing her hands gently on his face and looking into his eyes, "I still can't get over your eyes, Kenton. I feel like I could get lost in them. I want to know all your secrets."