[h3][center][color=a187be]~Viola Rifei~[/color][/center][/h3] [@SlashInfinite] [@TheHangedMan] [@Leoven] [hr] [color=a187be]"Wah~"[/color] Viola giggled somewhat childishly as Luna made herself known, turning to greet the older girl with a somewhat surprised expression before adding, [color=a187be]"Big sis Luna is nice not scolding me~"[/color] In the cutest, most endearing yet oddly impertinent and cheeky way she could possibly muster. Not that Viola would care much either way. The older girl was in fact, viewed as a bit of an older sister for Viola - as an only child with a somewhat strict master to raise and teach her, she didn't get much in the way of familial relations growing up. Despite her own cynicism and general dislike of other people, she did have a somewhat of a soft spot for Luna. In response to Luna though, the dishes clattered as if somewhat angry that Luna had even asked such a thing from them. Viola simply giggled quietly before turning her head and looking at them. [color=a187be]"Ah...well, Luna's weight aside - that's enough. Behave yourselves why I'm gone. And if the room isn't spotless when I return..."[/color]She gave a small smile to the two poltergeists. The other two couldn't see them, but the small spirits were suddenly quite silent, and if a ghost could feel fear, they were likely experiencing it. [color=a187be]"You'll be wishing you went to the afterlife instead~"[/color] The tone of her voice contrasted greatly with what she was saying. She cracked open the door to her room, the teapot and teacup moving quickly inside and closing quietly behind them. When done, Viola turned back to Karen wearing her usual smile. [color=a187be]"Sorry about that, but you shouldn't be too hard on them, though. Poltergeists may be mostly harmless, but if angered you might not find them to be so."[/color] Ten minutes later after Viola had gotten a rather pleasing eyefull of Karen after she had gotten out of the shower, they finally left. [i]"I wonder how many new students will have this year? Hopefully we'll get more neighbors."[/i] [color=a187be]"Oh yes, many more new people for my friendly little ghosts to play with are always welcome."[/color] Viola giggled, just as they met a person Viola could honestly care less about, and someone she was [i]very[/i] interested in in quite a number of ways. Xinhua, who promptly went to greet Luna and Karen, and Lee. This annoyed Viola somewhat. She loathed being ignored. Granted she didn't kow the other girl all that well and had no desire too. All Viola saw, was a pretty face that was simply arrogant. She'd [i]love[/i] to take her down a peg...or three. Thankfully, Lee quickly addressed that issue before she was too put off. [color=a187be]"Of course, Lee. The ghosts are being punished for throwing tea on Karen this morning though."[/color] She chuckled brightly, promptly ignoring the schools beauty and giving Lee a friendly smile. [color=a187be]"Miss me? I might start thinking you have a thing for me, Awahaha~"[/color] Viola was very aware that the other girl wasn't human. What she was though, she had no idea. She would love to talk to Lee about it, but it'd be both rude and foolish to bring it up in the presence of others...so another time then. [color=a187be]"I do believe big Sis Luna, Karen and I do intend on visiting the ceremony of course."[/color]