[center] [img] http://addicted2gambling.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/addicted-to-gambling.jpg [/img] [/center] [@Dragonbud] “You’ve got more balls than brains, lil girl,” snapped one of the thugs, giving his knuckles a sharp crack “This little whore has crossed one too many lines, and I’ll be fucked bloody before I let some white knight come between us and our caps.” One gnarled hand shot into his jacket, and remerged gripping a stocky 10mm pistol. Most people would’ve found staring down the barrel of a gun more than a little intimidating, but it wouldn’t take an experienced raider like Dusty very long to figure out that her assailant had made the rather fundamental mistake of forgetting to turn the safety off. [hr] [@Sol Grim] “Hey, we all gotta look after our reputations,” the bartender nodded his agreement “a man’s reputation is all he’s got, out here.” The big man listened intently, keeping his focus fixed on Dallen. “Well, for starters ‘he’ is a ‘she’,” The bartender laughed “the one and only Donna Regina. She’s a practical woman, but she’s not accustomed to taking shit from anyone, so watch your mouth around her.” He cocked his head slightly, nodding to the elevator at the far end of the room, passed the throng of junkies and gamblers, which was guarded by two mobsters in dark suits. “They’ll buzz you up, just tell ‘em Adrian sent you.” [hr] [@Andreyich] “Hey, asshole!” Snapped the bartender “Put the fucking weapon away, for atom’s sake! You're paying for that dartboard!” The big man scowled, before returning to tending the bar. “Fuckin’ hell, the nerve of some people…” [hr] [@Dismas] “That so, huh?” Mancini, a skeletal-thin man with a wiry moustache and a mop of greasy black hair, gave Horus the once over, looking him up and down with beady, vulture-like eyes “Don’t bother hidin’ it, friend, I know you’re a corpse-man,” he laughed, a dry, wheezy, laugh (the distinctive laugh of a Jet addict) “but that’s good...I can use that.” Mancini pulled a small scrap of paper out of the breast pocket of his suit, offering it to Horus. “The Donna has dealings with one Murilo Esteves, the biggest Ultrajet kingpin in New Reno. Problem is, Esteves is caught up in a feud with Darlia, the Donna’s little sister. Darlia thinks Murilo wants her dead, so she’s gone into hiding until he calls the feud off. We’ve tried getting through to Mister Esteves, but he’s not big on us smoothskins.” Mancini nodded to the piece of paper. “That’s got the address to the Old Wright mansion over in East Side. That’s where you’ll find Esteves. If you can convince him to call off the feud, they’ll be a lot of caps in it for ya.”