[b]Name:[/b] Alexander B. Alcaster [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://s765.photobucket.com/user/honokanagisa21/media/Guild%20stuff/002.jpg.html][IMG]http://i765.photobucket.com/albums/xx293/honokanagisa21/Guild%20stuff/002.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Under Alexander's sleeves are tribal tattoos, or more realistically, cut markings made in his skin in tribal formations used as a medium for his magic. [b]Year:[/b] 1st [b]Rank:[/b] Journeyman [b]Room No.:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] Alexander used to be a very open person but due to his magical study of choice he has become very reclusive and slightly insane. [b]Magic Discipline:[/b] Dark/Blood magic (enchantments and spell casting) Blood magic- Blood enchanting: uses blood to increase the power of enchanted items or create enchantments like soul trap Blood letting: a spell that allows control over someones blood through wounds in their body. Iron possession: control over the iron directly in the blood. Blood spike: allows blood to be used as a projectile weapon. Also has the ability to use blood to heal people as well instead of hurt. Dark magic- Soul possession:[color=ed1c24]unobtained[/color]:power that allows for control over another's soul potentially allowing them to control or even kill them and others. Necromancy: spell casting that can temporarily bring back the dead as allies. [b]Equipment:[/b] other than his own hands his only real equipment is a sapphire embedded pentagram necklace that he never removes. [b]Biography:[/b] When Alexander was born both his parents were very young. His mother died during labor and his father had to raise him alone. Alexander's father worked two jobs and by the time Alex was six his father became Ill and passed away. In his fathers old study Alexander found some old books on magical study. One in particular stuck out to him. It was a dark black book with blood red writing. Day and night he read this book looking for a way that magic could bring his parents back to life. He began carving symbols and magic circles into his arms as to have a closer medium to his magic. Almost bonding himself to the art. The more he studied the crazier the magic drove him. Regardless of everything that was happening he knew he was good in his craft and by age 10 he started to study harder and harder and one day he found a way to control more and even once finally rose his parents from the dead. What came back was not what he expected. Orphaned and living on his own Alex wanted nothing more than to have his parents back. These monsters that he saw we're not that. At the age of 14 Alexander sent a letter out to different academies for magical studies and one year later to the exact day he received a letter back from one academy in particular. The Breakfast Academy for Magic Or B.U.M for short. This was exciting for the young teen because he wanted to learn everything he could. He knew his magical style was different than others but more than anything in the world he wanted this. Because all he wanted was somewhere to belong. [b]Master:[/b] Alexander is self taught from books he found in his fathers old study. [b]If[/b] [Alexander] [b]was forced to sacrifice something important in order to move forward, it would be:[/b] his humanity [b]If[/b] [Alexander] [b]was offered to have a single wish fulfilled, it would be:[/b] To see his mothers face just once.