[quote=@tsukune] I used to play this with my classmates to kill time while we wait for our teacher to show up for class. Never tried to play this via online but I'd love to give this a shot. So yep, count me in! (I think I played a bit of Mafia Game in the past on some old writing forums... but it was so long time ago. XD) [/quote] Huh, okay, so that's what it's called. I just looked it up now. Interesting. Well yeah, sort of a tradition for it to appear on my forums. On another note, for those who're actually curious about that possible idea I had in mind for a new RP thread I could potentially GM in the near future if I can motivate myself to, it's pretty much this game, but done in the form of RP. Basically everyone would create their characters, I would secretly assign one of them to the task of the villain (who would then be killing members off screen), and it would play out sort of like a game of Cluedo (it's called Clue in America) or something. Of course, I'm still thinking it over, especially since anyone who joins this RP would need to understand they could get killed/eliminated from the topic at any moment. I've even been thinking up what sort of character I'd be playing as the "host" of the event, at least a little bit anyway. 3 people have joined so far, so we're waiting on 4 more. Thought I'd explain in the RP in this intermission. I suppose that makes this my first "Interest Check" post, and it's in a spam forum post of all ungodly places.