[quote=@tsukune] I can't keep up with the convo on mobile so not really gonna try to keep up at all XD [/quote] (That'd be a pain in the ass, yeah. I suppose read back sometime when it settles down in here, if it settles down in here. Lol. By the way, I put a new post up in that topic for the game I created, just to fill people in on an idea I had.) [@NekoMizu] (Yeah, it's sort of a difficult line, because you manage to avoid disappointment but then you don't enjoy your life.) [@King Tai] (Definitely know that feeling. Stress is a really big part of my problem, and I suffer from spouts of depression anytime my work isn't going well or if being so far away from my fiancé starts getting to me. Unfortunately these are dilemmas I can't afford to stop worrying about, so all I can do is keep surviving and holding out for the future while I work towards it.) 122