[quote=@tsukune] [@Shoryu Magami] Well the murderer game my classmates played IRL is somewhat different but the mechanics is still similar. Basically everyone gets a strip of paper, on it there are three letters: "V" for Victim, "P" for Policeman / "D" for Detective, and of course "M" for Murderer. The murderer will kill the victims with a wink, and the police will have to try to find out who the murderer is. If all the victims are dead then the murderer wins; however, they will get caught if they wink at the police. [/quote] (Huh, that's actually really cool. I like the idea of integrating law enforcement into the concept, so eventually I might try to find a way to work that into the game, or RP that I create if I end up going through with that GM idea I mentioned.) [@NekoMizu] (Yeah, it really is a depressing situation to get into, so take any opportunity you can to work on it. If I can help out somehow, let me know.) [@King Tai] (If you're interested in manga, you might find my project interesting once I make it happen, since, at the very least, the plot resembles one in some ways. We're also both a fan of chess and classical music, apparently. Hopefully I can get back into RP again soon, and I really do need to start exercising again too. I used to meditate a lot, but it's stopped beating out my whole "can't switch off" thing I mentioned earlier. As for family problems, I hope you're at least on good terms with your family in that case.) 128