Aura gave a smile and took her pistol back, sliding it into it's holster, and replied "Don't mention it, after all I did just kinda freak out on you, so letting you hold my gun is a small compensation." She stretched her arms above her slightly and glanced over at the other mage. A water mage, based on the glowing water, and it seemed he was tending to Fisk. Giving a sigh, Aura shook her head and said to Vocalia and Tim "Don't mind those two too much......they're really goofy...just like everyone else here I suppose." She giggled lightly at that before setting her hands on the grips of her pistols for a moment. Blinking, she turned back to Vocalia and advised "Don't head into the crowd just yet, you'll probably get pulled into some stupid brawl or argument. The Master can usually stop them before magic get's involved, but I've seen them get pretty intense when she isn't around." She shook her head and added "But we're all family here, so nobody ever get's really hurt." That said, she drew a sidearm with one hand and with the other pulled a rag from inside her shirt. She began to clean the pistol, saying "I'm sure you know this, or maybe you don't, but Holder Mages have to really take care of their magical items. Like I said, I use Requip magic too, so I guess I'm also a caster mage, kinda." After shining the pistol for a moment, she demonstrated by Exquiping the sidearm, and she set her hand on it's twin and did the same with it. She proceeded to Requip her Magic Shotgun and sling it on her back, saying "I actually use this puppy more than my pistols around here, one good Wide Shot can take a whole bunch of brawls down at once, course I don't give it much juice, or it'd hurt them." Aura was glad Fisk and Armin had come over here, sure she didn't know them all that well, but they were still her family. It was really their presence that allowed her to be so at ease with the newcomers. If Aura had been forced to greet them on her own, she didn't know how well she would've done. Actually, she probably would've given up by now and retreated from the situation. That fact aside, Aura made an effort to drag her thoughts into reality and not the could've been. "[i]I hope I can get Vocalia to join, she seems really nice and polite, a change from most people here[/i]" Even as this thought crossed Aura's mind, her hand absently picked at the Shotgun's sling, another habit of hers.