[@KiritoAsuna] A tanned woman stepped out of the portal, and into the school grounds. She was wearing a formal grey suit and shades. Her hair was short, cut just above her shoulders, and with straight bangs. It only took her only a moment to catch sight of Alexander, and immediately, she approached him. In her hands was a thick, brown, leather briefcase, with the schools coat of arms stenciled on the side. Stopping in front of, the young woman gave a short bow at the waist. "Good morning. Alexander, correct? I apologize for my tardiness as I had another case to attend to. I am Rose Motif, an "Escort" from the school. We're tasked with helping new students fit into the university properly, if they so desire. So," she said, taking out a flyer and handing it to him, "[i]do[/i] you desire my assistance? If not, then I will be on my way." The flyer was a map of the school, along with explanations and a ticket to the bus.