[center][h2]POKEMON: Johto Diaries[/h2] [i]“Dear ____, after reviewing your letter, I’ve decided to entrust you with this regions Pokedex. What you do with it is up to you, but please feel free to contact me anytime. Good luck on your journey! --Professor Juniper”[/i][/center] The world of Pokemon is about as chipper as one can get. Unfortunately, the number of dedicated trainers has decreased over the years as people have started to favor more stable, white collar positions in the workfield. This is where YOU come in. The researchers at New Bark Laboratory have decided to start a giveaway to help stimulate trainer activity in the region. And the winners? They get their very own Pokedex, free supply of Pokeballs at any Pokemart, free nights at any Pokecenter, and even free storage of any Pokemon caught along their journey! [hider=FAQ][b]Gimme a rundown of this rp.[/b] Down to its core, this will be a chapter-based rp focused mainly on each players story while I act as gm, guiding you along the way out of character. You’ll be traversing through a region, collecting badges, doing whatever it is you wish to do on your journey. [b]Wait, what exactly do you mean by “chapter”?[/b] For each new section of the region we enter (be it a city/route/etc), I’ll give a brief overview of the setting, wild Pokemon that are eligible for capture (if applicable), and even some tasks that you may participate in! Of course, nothing will be mandatory unless stated, but the rewards for completing the listed events may just be worth writing about. ;) [b]How do Pokemon and evolution work?[/b] Technically, there will be “levels”, but only to help judge a Pokemons strength. Talk of levels should be kept ooc. As for moves, Pokemon can learn the moves they normally would through leveling up. HMs and TMs are nonexistent and egg moves my only be taught when given permission by the gm (aka me :D). There’s no cap for how many moves Pokemon can learn either. As for evolution, Pokemon will evolve once they reach the respective level they normally would evolve at. I’ll be giving out levels to Pokemon at the end of every post if I feel your Pokemon is worth it and you may not evolve your Pokemon without my express permission. Trade and held item evolution will be handled as if they were a regular, level based evolutions as well. Mega evolution doesn’t exist either. Sorry :p [b]And capturing?[/b] Capturing wild Pokemon will work a little differently than you’re probably used to. If you plan on catching anything, please be sure to leave the ball rumbling at the end of your post so I can decide whether your post was sufficient or not. [b]So how do I apply?[/b] Easily! Unlike traditional rps, rather than having you fill out just a character skeleton, The Professor is asking all aspiring trainers to send her an introductory letter about their self. This is your chance to get creative! Include as much or as little detail about your trainer. You can write about their hobbies, history, personality, really anything you think will net The Professors interest! If you don’t plan on including much detail, please make note of at least your characters name, age, appearance, and preferred pronouns. And yes, pictures are acceptable, but be sure to describe anything that isn’t visible in said picture such as scars/height/etc. [b]Don’t we need a starter Pokemon?[/b] Go ahead and choose one from the list above this hider. Those sprites aren't there just for decoration, you know. :p[/hider] [hider=Character Sheet][b]Name/Pronouns/Age: Starter/Gender/Ability/Nickname: Appearance: Letter:[/b][/hider]