Admittedly, Angela had neglected to bring any personal items. She hadn't thought she'd need them, and with how dire the situation was, she didn't believe for a second that her own comfort mattered. He belongings were better off back home in Switzerland. The small backpack hanging from her shoulders contained nothing but a few rations and some medical tools. "I don't have much. This backpack just has some food and a few medical tools for if I run out of energy and can't use my suit to its full extent. I... may need to borrow a change of clothes, but it isn't the most important thing to me. This is war, and comfort is a luxury." "Swiss troops may find themselves a bit out of place here, really. Back home they have time to rest and recuperate for much longer than the ESF has. The danger isn't immediate, and many civilians still reside in their own homes, with weapons to protect themselves with. I must admit, your people are much braver than my own. Those two companies that are coming will be pushed to their limits, that is for certain." Angela looked up at the taller woman. Perhaps when Fareeha wasn't in the eyes of the soldiers, some of her walls would come down and Angela could speak with her on a more personal level without fearing that the other soldiers wouod overhear something they didn't need to. "I suppose all that's to be done is to go to your quarters and talk. I have a lot to ask you that I felt wouldn't have been appropriate for our previous conversations. Lead the way, Fareeha."