[@Andreyich] You have a single civilian with a gun. Whom can't authorize any connection to the Ecclessiarchy - else its BLAM to the nearest Priest who allowed it. Since Men under Arms is HERESY! The Ordo Hereticus has been charged with watching over the Ecclessiarchy - and they can easily BLAM or EXTERMINATUS any planet they wish. Look at the War of Disbelief, if you don't believe it. And look at the Imperium as a whole. Do you think, any trigger happy civilian would be wagered over a Imperial Guardsman? As easily as some Priest can make-up a story - said IGs can easily make-up a story of you spouting HERESY and a Commisar BLAMing you for it. And then its a Commisar + the IGs + all their arnaments vs your priest with his chainsword. I am wagering of the Imperial Guardsmen here - since they aren't the Emperor' Hammer for nothing.