[hider=Viktor] [b]Name:[/b] Viktor [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Viktor] [img]http://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/f1/75/92/f175923c4af61c050dc6adefd06865f0.jpg[/img] [/hider] Wearing strange robes, he stands at 1.98m. Golden locks of hair can see hanging under his cowl, resting over his shoulders. His arms and legs have a deep black tone, unlike the rest of his body. His hands have two holes, with a unnatural white tone emanating from where his flesh would be. His face is very beautiful, although its mostly covered by his cowl and scarf. [b]Year:[/b] Uncertain. Estimated around 6-8 years. [b]Rank:[/b] Journeyman. His rank would be higher if it wasnt for his habit to disappear for months, or to the occasions where he sealed himself due to his experiments, or the raw mana explosions... or the accident where his old room was magically sealed between dimensions, and is somehow... unreachable. [b]Room No.:[/b] Currently he has no room. His last room was magically sealed in an accident. No one knows what resides within his old room. [b]Personality:[/b] Air headed, Viktor is constantly thinking about magic itself, and weaving. Due to his apparent isolationist behaviour, many think of him as anti social, but in fact he is actually very amicable and kind to those who get close to him. He is almost always seen observating and meddling with magic essence, that take form as strings from various collors, sizes and making intrincate knots and forms between his hands. Due to his habit to always "decompose" the magical knots (enchantments and magics), sometimes going as far as trying to pull the magical strings that govern the reality itself, its not hard that he suddenly disappear when walking on the campus, being teleported or sealed between dimensions. People often stay away from him, due to the little "accidents" that seem to follow him around. Thinks that duels dont have any reason and are a waste of time. Has the bad habit of decomposing any enchantments or spell he doesnt know or understands to learn about it. [b]Magic Discipline:[/b] Weaver. [hider=Weavers] Weavers are able to see and feel the magic around them as "strings" with various colors and sizes. The most complicated enchantments, spells and magical forces are often seen as very intrincate knots, with many different strings. They can "pull" certain strings to tap into their power, for example, to control elements, raw magic, weave incantations, seals, magical traps... Weavers can also "decompose" a spell or an incantation into primal energy and mana, effectively rendering it useless. The more complicated the spell, the more time it takes. Experienced weavers can manipulate primal strings, strings wich govern over the essential magic forces that rule the world, the magic and reality itself. Although powerful, pulling primal strings is a very dangerous process, and if theymove the wrong string or pull it too much, the effects can be very imprevisible, often leading to disastrous results to the weaver and / or its surroundings. [/hider] [b]Equipment:[/b] Only his weird clothes. He does not carry any other magical object with him, because it can interfere on his weaving. [b]Biography:[/b] Weavers. Often depicted as dangerous individuals who care about nothing but destruction Many people keep away from them. The presence of a weaver is said to bring destruction and chaos to those nearby. Unlike their fame, almost all weavers are peaceful scholars, and often avoid unnecessary conflicts. Being a weaver is very dangerous. Due to their power, knowledge and abilities, weavers cannot be greedy, and must know that there are certain strings they must not pull. As if their own power wasnt enough to worry about, weavers are hunted by other mages. Some say that no one should have a weaver's abilities, some say that weavers are too dangerous, and others want to capture them to make experiences and try to wield the weaver's powers to their own. Viktor was raised by a magic organization, and was experimented since he was a child. He had to endure extensive trainings, to resist magical forces, and to apprimorate his weaving. As he grew, the trainings started to get even more dangerous; When he completed 10 years, he was ordered to pull a primal string. Not even experienced weavers liked to mess with those forces, and now, a child was tapering with it. The result of this experience was obviously, a faliure. A child could never have the discipline and will to resist the urge to pull the primal strings, nor the ability, experience, knowledge and dexterity to weave such dangerous threads. The moment he pulled the thread, a bright light flashed into the room, and pure magic burned his body and mind. The primal string went wild, making holes on both of his hands, the raw magic burned his arms and legs,turning them completely black, with a magical burn. His mind got overflown with magic, his memories, burned with an agonizing pain. His heart stopped beating and his blood boiled, evaporating. When the magic calmed down, the only thing that could be seen in the room was an unconscious body. Thinking he was dead, the mages threw his body away, as a failed experiment. A few hours later, Viktor woke up, only to find out that his heard had stopped and in his veins, ran only pure mana and not even a single drop of blood. Thanks to his mind and memoried being burned blank by the raw magic, he did what he would normally do... He started wandering, studying and gathering knowledge, as it was natural to most of other weavers. Surprisingly, he received a letter. He wasnt certain who or what was able to find him, but the letter said about a certain university of magic. It seemed the perfect place for him to pursue knowledge, so he resolved to go there. After all, a university was the perfect place to study, plus, he would maybe have a chance to be treated fairly, without people trying to capture or kill him. Some years later, he had built quite a "reputation" for him in the university. Sadly, it wasnt a particularly good one... His experiments often led to his disappearance for weeks, even months. Other students often avoided him, but he was already used to it. At least they werent trying to kill him. Well... he had his doubts about the university staff... They DID seem like they wanted to get rid of him. Especially after his experiments... [b]Master:[/b] Rogue organization / self taught. [b]If[/b] [Character] [b]was forced to sacrifice something important in order to move forward, it would be:[/b] His safety, as he usually does normally. [b]If[/b] [Character] [b]was offered to have a single wish fulfilled, it would be:[/b] Unrestricted and safe access to the primal strings, in order to study and understand them. [/hider]