[hider=Answers to Questionaire] [indent][quote=yoshua171]What intrigues you. What sort of things make you personally feel invested, engaged, and gives you the urge, the passion, to post? Points if you give examples.[/quote] [hider=Answer] On a personal level, reading about how someone emerged victorious from something difficult for them... and how it changed them for the rest of their lives, that is what intrigues me. So, in roleplaying, planning out conflicts, both on a personal and group level, and seeing how the PCs get through them, that is what intrigues me; Even if it is just a fraction of their life we get to see, and everything seems kind of magnified. When we get to feel, experience, and brood over how a character is doing, we want to know what happens to them next (usually; some of us are chemically weird). This is especially so when we can relate to that character, because in a way, they're like us! So, what engages me? Other than someone kneeling in front of me and brandishing a tiny jack-in-the-box? Are you confused? [center][img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/11LWFP3gzyzKxy/200.gif[/img][/center] You look confused. I think it might be easier to say what causes me to disengage from the story, because 9 times out of 10, I try to discipline myself into committing to something and trying to help. Not that I'm saying that others don't, it just means I just stick around and give it my best, and sometimes that's bitten me in the ass when folks didn't really care about my efforts in the first place. I was hurted. Oh, that's one of the things that disengages me! D: Well, IC wise, what engages me most is when characters have inner monologue about what they're experiencing (that is, what I put out in front of them with my own PCs). Learning how those characters think teaches me how their writers write, and thus how they think. Which in turn helps me figure out how to engage them and make things fun for them. If I spent all of my time peppering people with questions with things they like, I'd wind up with carpal tunnel. What urges me to be passionate about my posting!? D: Gee um, let me think. Well, I'm a people pleaser, as one starkly beautiful mind once shared with me. That is true. I'm an entertainer, a showman, a magician. Yes, I'm a fucking magician, with tricks and sleights of hand, who rails his assistant with a sa-- wait, no that's not- .. I mean... [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/v7aRdoO.gif[/img][/center] Yes, I'm a [i]fucking[/i] magician, who aims to please the eye and confuse it at the same time. My posts have to be captivating and endearing to my readers, my fellow roleplayers. Why should I write when nobody enjoys it? 'Oh, but Mikael/Rumples, you can escape from real life and be your character and improve your writing, and just be awesome.' ^^; A mindset that I empathize with, for sure. But I realized something: I'm always improving my writing (and I'm also typically awesome!)... and some people escape real life by helping others and entertaining them. My characters, though? They're my tools. A piece of me, yes, like one of my fingers. But like a lizard and his tail, I'll gladly cut that finger off so that the huge beast of boredom gets distracted while you and I escape to Narnia (or what have you). And that is what gets me passionate. ^ Writing like that, to engage others, to amuse them. Now I just need to keep doing that in IC context.[/hider][/indent] [quote=yoshua171]What are your thoughts about where we are/were in the plot right now (The gatherings/meetings)?[/quote] [hider=Answer] Twenty seven posts thus far, and I can only give thoughts regarding that as an outside observer. Mainly, it is just I thought we would have been further along by now. In hindsight, maybe we should have started in the 'meeting' and just have everyone write their flashbacks that led them to it; I'd think that would have allowed them to write those things on their own time and not worry about being unsure of what to do, or how to engage others. But I know things take time, and people have busy IRL schedules. Even if that in-the-meeting-now-flashback idea wasn't possible, perhaps those who are active should just indulge themselves with their own subplots until the main plot gets going. As far as where I'm personally at IC, I'm [i]just getting started.[/i] Thoughts now would be... spoiling. You'll just have to wait... [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/VZWHnlpAta6pq/giphy.gif[/img][/center] But yeah, I mainly plan to get the main plot going with a tangent approach. Meaning I'll do what I can with Rico and his crew to stir the pot, even while other forces IC get ready. [/hider] [indent][quote=yoshua171]What would you like to avoid in terms of interactions in the immediate future?[/quote] [hider=Answer] What an intriguing question. If it's referring to IC, then there are no interactions that I would personally like to avoid: I believe any interaction, whether good or bad, can be used for the enrichment of the PCs involved and the advancement of the story. If this question's referring to OOC, then it's probably just to avoid a [i]lack[/i] of interactions (or communication), like when people message each other and don't get back to each other. [/hider][/indent] [quote=yoshua171]Things that, so far, have caught your interest.[/quote] [hider=Answer] I never thought a PC's life and actions could continuously revolve around blunts and blunt accessories. Everything else, though? Par for the course! :D And going into detail could probably alert people to where I'm focusing. But honestly, everything is interesting so far. Just like the beginning of good books, you want to see the ending, but first you gotta climax--omg, I- I'm sorry. Today's juut... NEXT QUESTION. [/hider] [indent][quote=yoshua171]Your thoughts on the scope and direction of things. (The Resistance and what is causing it)? Is it too big? Is it not involved enough, or do you feel it is not justified at current time)[/quote] [hider=Answer] I think the reasons for the resistance to emerge are perfect ones: being taken over, oppressed, etc. It's a classical story element and there's nothing wrong with it. I don't think it's too big (we've barely gotten started). I think there is certainly something that needs to involve the PCs more: perhaps, as I've done with Fallen's Charles, a personal reason that is dear to them. I have absolutely no problem making sure other PCs have something personal to them get threatened. Rico has his own plans IC for doing this (as Charles put it, why does Rico seemingly want the RG to succeed?), and it just so happens to serve an OOC purpose too (getting other players involved). [/hider][/indent] [quote=yoshua171]What would you like to have addressed? (Mentioning it does not mean it will be addressed immediately, just fyi. This is for my notes, if you will *wink*)[/quote] [hider=Answer] You wanked at me. Or is it wunk? Winked? Yeah, probably that. Anyway! Do the Hunters (that group that is going around disappearing people for political reasons) have any kind of unified organization that acts as a go-between for them and their employers? Sort of like how a bounty hunter organization posts up bills and information at a shady joint? [/hider] [indent][quote=yoshua171]When you joined this RP, what did you see yourself/your characters doing?[/quote] [hider=Answer] More or less what I'm doing now: preparing my villains to be sons of bitches and assessing the weaknesses and strengths of the opposition. What changed is that I was needed [i]sooner[/i] to help keep things going. I do wish that my entire Prae Strike Force was already written up and approved, but IRL sapped my energy for doing it. The enthusiasm and interest is still there, I just literally could not find time to sit down and write. [/hider][/indent] [quote=yoshua171]Miscellaneous. Feel free to suggest stuff to add to this list for others. If you do so, make sure to answer the question(s) you add.[/quote] [hider=Answer] [b]Can you dig it?[/b] [i]Yes. Yes, I can.[/i] [/hider] [/hider]