Hey welcome to my thread! You can call me H or Queen :) (preferred QUeen) sorry I must warn you I'm writing this on a hair lin ed cracking on my phone. And pretty merry right now. It's always good it jeans I can write what I can hear myself tjnkmmm. Aha Okay here goes.. I really want something fun/seriius/grusome/mature/love/hate/taboo maybe? I can do f/f f/m m/m just right now maybe I would love to play the main female or I'd happily do a male in a m/m situation. What I can think of right now... ▪ [s]teacher x student[/s] ▪ teaCherx teacher ▪ city girl x country boy ▪ Bad boy x good girl ▪ Yea. If you have yor own idea please go ahead and for any of you that actually read's this all the way through just know that I dropped my phone from my hand about 5 times while writing this. Can you guess how much I've drunk and what did I drink? Or.. 2/4 paragraphs. It's all about quality over quantity for me. Spelling good and I love OOC !!! Please don't hold back PM me !!!!!