[quote=@Jbcool] [@Bright_Ops][@agentmanatee][@Dannyrulx][@NecroKnight][@Andreyich][@Lmpwrkr][@Rultaos][@mackielars][@Hank][@The Lioness] That is pretty much it in a nutshell. That being said, we do have a lot of people, but people do also need to be aware that there should be some form of posting order. This is why I asked that people 'mention' those involved in their scenes, as well as who they're interacting with - yet it appears that this may not be enough. As GM, I post when and where it is needed to move things along, but I agree that we do probably need to slow things down as well...not too much, just enough for everyone to get at least a post or two in before wandering too far off course again. In short... 1) [b]Always[/b] ping/mention those involved in your post. 2) Leave some time before posting again, I have to agree that this rapid-firing posting can take a toll on the RP in general, as well as those pariticipating. 3) This is an Advanced RP - as has been mentioned - so quality over quantity is what I'm wanting here; make your posts actually meaningful, something that can develop character and the like. If I've missed anything, then feel free to tell me/suggest something, otherwise it's pretty straightforward from here on out. [/quote] OOC asides can be helpful I suppose, especially for those of us ESL.