Hokay, let's give this a shot huh? Hah! :D [hider] Name: Margaret "Peg" Drummer Age: 28 Gender: Female Species: Human Appearance: [hider][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Gga0P9P.jpg[/img] by [url=https://www.artstation.com/artwork/RXJNv]Zenzhou Chen[/url][/center][/hider] Physical Oddities: Peg is possibly the plainest girl you'll ever meet. - Personality: Peg hates "Peggy," "Marge" and "Maggie." She is always smiling with a knowing, sometimes smug expression that tends to make more enemies than friends. Her sour opinion of most fellow humans -- influenced by decades of accidentally offending everyone she meets -- has led her to prefer the company of nature and animals. She's not bitter. Maybe a little. History: Margaret Drummer was born in a dumpy Jersey suburb to middle-class parents who never loved each other. Her dad watched war documentaries. Her mom taught piano. Her brother hogged the X-Box. Everything was as boring as was humanly possible -- except for the minor detail of Margaret's gift. Peg was eight years old when she discovered she was an amazing dog trainer. The family beagle was positively eager to follow all of Peg's commands to the letter -- so much so that her boring parents entered their poor dog into several pet talent shows, and Peg won several neighborhood awards. Her first business was a dog training gig -- about as official as a lemonade stand -- but that fizzled as soon as her customers realized their pets would obey Peg and only Peg. She had no idea how to show others how to train their dogs; after all, she just had to [i]think[/i] her commands and they were obeyed. In middle school, one of the popular girls had taken to barking whenever they passed in the hall. The other girls giggled. Peg walked her dog past that girl's house and casually commanded the family beagle to attack. Everything went downhill from there. After the lawsuits and medical bills -- after the beagle had been put down and the family had moved to a weedy Delaware suburb -- Peg spent most of her time at the park, experimenting with what she now knew for sure was an abnormal ability. Within a month of their moving in, rumors started spreading that the park was haunted; squirrels would run in perfect circles, dogs would suddenly howl in unison, deer would tap morse code on the trees with their antlers. By the end of high school, Peg had discovered she wasn't entirely limited to animals: She once reached out to a child about to run into the street, and the kid looked up and stopped just as she did so. She reached out to a man screaming in rage at a retail clerk, and he stumbled over his words and made a fool of himself. Once she tried to coax a cute boy to like her. She stopped reaching out to people after that disaster, but her little brother always seemed to know what she was thinking. At twenty-eight, Peg has finished a Bachelor's degree in biology, rents a dumpy apartment just outside Philadelphia and works as an administrative assistant for Motor Vehicles. On weekends she goes to the zoo, just to watch people's shock when the flamingoes arrange themselves in a crude word. Everything is about as boring and average as it can get. Likes: Getting away with it, hiking boots, spicy food, being alone Dislikes: Parties, airplanes, okra, the color pink - Powerset: Genetic Mutation Primary: Thought Infusion -- Peg can instill her own thoughts into lesser minds within a ten meter radius. A dog, for example, might be easily convinced to behave in precisely the manner she envisions. This infusion is strengthened when she is touching the subject, and is weakened the farther away she is; at ten meters, her influence is weakened to nothing more than a faint inclination. The more intelligent or unwilling the subject, the less influence her own thoughts will have. A willing human may receive psychic communication from Peg, but Peg cannot read the thoughts of anyone or anything else. She can only influence one person or one animal at a time, but her influence tends to linger in lesser animals. Ancillary: Spidey Sense -- Peg just knows when a person or animal is nearby. She can feel out each individual mind within her ability's radius, and she can pick one out of a crowd to reach out to. Each separate presence has its own unique tingle in the back of her mind; she is undefeatable in hide-and-seek. [/hider]