[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjk0OTQ5NC5WR2x0WlNCVGNHVnVkQ0JVYjJkbGRHaGxjZywsLjEA/rhumbascript.regular.png[/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/4e755a87442f8ad3951d66662c9dfd53/tumblr_mmjtzjx2P01qd7fc3o5_250.gif[/img] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/34300000/Phoebe-3-phoebe-tonkin-34302126-245-160.gif[/img] [color=8b6969][b]LOCATION[/b][/color] — Alyssa's Castle [color=708090][b]INTERACTIONS[/b][/color] — Each other [sub]([@lovely complex], [@Universorum])[/sub] [b][color=708090]T[/color][color=8b6969]I[/color][color=708090]M[/color][color=8b6969]E[/color][/b] — Don’t leave I’m still tired [img]http://a398.idata.over-blog.com/2/22/33/01/r-pertoire-2/divider--2-.png[/img][/center] [indent]There was a lot to do. Regardless of that, it was a Saturday--and Alyssa would sleep in, no matter what there was to do. No matter how many Elite scum were in her castle’s walls, no matter how many Eves were in her bed, no matter how many false queens returned to take her crown, Alyssa would sleep in. And sleep in she did. Though, at 5:37 am, when her girlfriend woke and tried to scurry out of the bed, Alyssa’s eyes cracked open and she tired called out: [color=708090]”Stay. Pretty please, with an extra sweet strawberry on toooooop?”[/color] Alyssa asked, yawning out the last word, rubbing at her eyes. She knew it was no use though, Evelyn was awake and would leave. “[color=8b6969]You know I can’t.[/color]” Eve grabbed a hair tie off of Alyssa’s dresser and wrapped her hair up quickly. As much as the Raven would love to stay by her lady’s side, she didn’t want to keep her up by tossing and turning nor did she want to stare at the ceiling for hours, dealing with the restlessness of her mind. She liked not rushing in the morning, which entailed taking a leisure shower, eating a toasted bagel with cream cheese and jam, and playing the piano until the sunrise (just before the clock striked 7). After tightening the band that kept her bathrobe closed, Eve went to Alyssa’s bedside and kissed her forehead, “[color=8b6969]I won’t be far and I’ll fix you something to eat.[/color]” Her expression was soft, even if there was no smile, “[color=8b6969]Plus.[/color]” She brushed blonde strands out of her girlfriend’s face, “[color=8b6969]I’m all your’s today. Turns out they overbooked the studio, so I’ll be going in tomorrow instead.[/color]” [color=708090]”...you’re always all mine. Don’t let them make you think otherwise…”[/color] Alyssa yawned, shifting comfortably underneath the blankets, gravitating toward the warm spot that Evelyn had left in the bed, shutting her eyes once more. [color=708090]”Fine, fine. Go, go. Leave me alone and cold.”[/color] She grumbled with discontent, hugging one of the pillows Eve had left. Sleep was calling. Eve’s hazel orbs took in Alyssa’s face as she drifted back to sleep. Faintly, nearly inaudible, she whispered, “[color=8b6969]If you don’t give me a reason to… I will never leave you.[/color]” [/indent] [center][img]http://www.techiwarehouse.com/i/divider.png[/img][/center] [indent]Inside of the [url=http://myzone.homesoftherich.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Screen-Shot-2014-11-19-at-10.15.25-AM.png]sunroom[/url], not too far from the the back entrance that led to the patio, pool, and gardens, Evelyn, who was already showered and [url=http://www3.pictures.stylebistro.com/gi/Phoebe+Tonkin+Dresses+Skirts+Print+Dress+_ARSW5uwbOQl.jpg]dressed[/url] for her day, let her thin fingers glide on the keys of Alyssa’s fine, walnut wood grand piano. The song that she was playing wasn’t one of her own but it was a song that she found herself playing often in the early mornings. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihLI-uvUvqE&feature=youtu.be&t=11s]Our Farewell[/url] by [i]Within Temptation[/i]. The song was released in the year 2000, when she was two, but didn’t hold much meaning for her until the year 2010, when her life shifted from blissful ignorance to meaningless acceptance. The year she discovered the dark, sad, and unfortunate circumstances of her existence and the year she lost the one person, who protected her from her father’s greed and made her believe there was more to life than being a music money-making machine. Her eyes were closed as she felt the smooth keys on the bottom of her fingertips, let the gentle breeze coming from a cracked window push her dark strands behind her, and played like a musical prodigy throughout her childhood friend’s estate. In her opinion, the song wasn’t that advance but there were times she needed to play it, regardless of where she was... Eve needed to play it. Alyssa knew the song the moment its notes hit her ears. It was something that Eve played commonly, and Alyssa knew it by heart now, and while she might normally complain--Evelyn was a spoiled brat. Alyssa didn’t say a word as she walked into the sunroom where Eve played. Instead, she just stood behind Eve, and lightly draped her arms over her shoulder, placing a kiss atop her lover’s head as the song came to a close. [color=708090]”When you finish, though, we have to deal with the Elite, Rhett, and Ty’s girlfriend,”[/color] she whispered lightly, sighing. [color=708090]”Afterward, you and I are going out for breakfast, and then we have to go to… work. Sort of. We need a plan to deal with Dominique, not that I imagine it’ll be much more than a trifling effort. After we have a bit of a plan, we’ll spend the day alone. In my room. Most likely, nude. Fun times.”[/color] [/indent] [indent][indent][hr][hr][/indent][/indent] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmU5YWEyZi5WR2hsSUZCeVpYTmxiblFnYVhNZ1JteGxaWFJwYm1jLC4wAAAA/sickness.regular.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/PHW6kjM.png?1[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/0de0e9cdb58e773e953702a74606841f/tumblr_inline_o9vdm7UPUZ1spjyze_500.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/jWnP1og.png?1[/img] [color=1d7fe5][b]LOCATION[/b][/color] — The bitch’s castle [color=eee72a][b]ALSO FEATURING[/b][/color] — Rhett, Ender, Julie, Ty, & Wolfe [b][color=7d1c7f]Time[/color][/b] — Get the fuck outta dodge [img]http://www.geminissoft.com/Bonus%20Graphics/Dividers/drawn-orange.png[/img][/center] [indent]Seven thirty AM. A little late for him, but early enough that Alyssa wasn’t there to start bitching… and Wolfe was ready to leave. Disappear. Looking around the pool area, Wolfe wondered if he could even blame Alyssa for being pissy. There was a girl--Julie--that Alyssa didn’t particularly like, wearing nothing but a big t-shirt asleep on one of the lounging chairs, beer cans… everywhere, some floating in the pool, some discarded around it. A few bottles of hard alcohol… really, Alyssa would probably be more upset about the ‘waste’ of alcohol that they--sans Ender, of course, had consumed. Ty and Rhett were asleep, together, on a giant floating turtle, amidst the discarded beer cans, with an empty six pack in between them. Yep, she was gonna be floored. Ender himself was sitting on a lounge chair and smoking--already, which was a disgusting habit. Wolfe tipped his head toward Ender, and Ender flicked his hand at him as a way to say good bye, and Wolfe turned around to leave… [color=708090]”[b][i]WHAT THE FUCK!?[/i][/b]”[/color] [i]He was so close![/i] Following behind her Sweets, Eve kept silent as she observed the horrendous mess. How she wasn’t going to save their ass. It didn’t matter if Rhett had a bad day yesterday, this was beyond inexcusable when it came to Alyssa and her castle. That being said, this wouldn’t be the first time this has happened… Ty loved being the bane of his cousin’s existence, after all. Putting on her sunglasses, Eve leaned against a back porch pillar and watched the scene unfold. Stretching, his head pounding like hell, Rhett gingerly opened his eyes to reveal his bloodshot blue orbs. Last night was [i]sick[/i]. He hadn’t had that much fun in a long time, y’know with the whole working his ass off to support the three women in his life (his mother and two sisters). He hardly registered the loud banshee-like screech since he was pretty out of it. Glancing over to his new boy for life, Rhett nudged the sleeping Ty, “[color=#ffbf00]Ty. Someone isn’t happy.[/color]” “[color=b3446c]Tiger!!! I need to go to the doggie park!![/color]” Julie had woken up and was standing by the pool’s edge. She had received a text from her sister a half an hour ago, which said she was taking Duke and Lady to Hermon Dog Park. Julie missed her Lady! She [b]needed[/b] her boyfriend to take her. ASAP. Ty was asleep. Like, really, truly, totally asleep. He always was, and he could sleep through anything. Alyssa’s screeching, Julie’s bitching, Rhett’s statements… Hell, Ty could sleep through front row seats at a Metallica concert. But the tiny nudge from Rhett caused Ty to roll… to the side. Into the water. Cold water always worked. As Ty splashed into the pool, his eyes shot open--and then started to burn from the chlorine. Quickly emerging, Ty slapped a few intrusive beer cans away, and looked around, trying to decide which one of the problems he needed to address first. Psycho bitch and her psycho bitch girlfriend, or [i]his[/i] girlfriend. Groaning, Ty turned to look at Wolfe, who just shook his head. [color=1d7fe5]”I’ll just be taking my leave now, if it’s all the same to you gu--”[/color] [color=708090]”OH, bull[i]shit[/i]! You brought them here! Because Rhett was having a day wahh wahh, I have a bad day every day I wake up because I know [i]that fucker[/i]--”[/color] Alyssa paused briefly to point a finger at Ty, who looked stunned that Alyssa could possibly be so upset, gesturing at himself, [color=708090]”--is not only [i]alive[/i], but is related to me and lives with me. Look at this shit, he brought his stupid bimbo slut girlfriend here and she’s like pretty much naked!”[/color] She hissed, pointing at Julie. For all intents and purposes, Alyssa looked ready to pull her hair out. She paused for a moment, closing her eyes and breathing slowly, carefully. It took almost thirty seconds, and with Wolfe glaring at him, Ty wisely chose not to speak, before Alyssa finally talked. [color=708090]”...I’m sorry, I got a little bit [i]out of control.[/i] Mostly, I’m apologizing to Juliana, who did not deserve to be caught in the crossfire. I know you are a lovely girl, as is your sister. I just lose my mind a bit at the hands of your despicable boyfriend…”[/color] Alyssa ran her fingers through her hair, breathing slowly as she returned to a state of regality. [color=708090]”I want my pool area restored to its former glory. No one leaves until it’s done, or I will be back. And I will have [i]no mercy[/i] for those who have wronged me.”[/color] Wolfe sighed. He was too hungover for this. Julie faintly blushed only now realizing how much clothes she was truly wearing, “[color=b3446c]Oopsie. I guess I drank too much. I’m sorry! I’ll get your house cleaned in a jiffy.[/color]” And the ditzy blonde did just that. Before anyone else reacted, she was already in cleaning mode picking up cans, throwing them into a garbage bag, even motioning with her hand for the boys in the pool to retrieve the beer in the water. Yawning to himself, Rhett shrugged and rolled into the heated water. Coming up, he collected as much cans as he could on his way to the ladder before making a large pile for Ty’s girl to throw away. “[color=b3446c]Oh Rexie! Your phone keeps blinking. I don’t know if it’s important but I just thought I’d tell you![/color]” “[color=#ffbf00]Thanks… y’know we could all help you.[/color]” He climbed out the pool and walked to the chair with his clothes and phone, stretching, “[color=#ffbf00]Speedy cleaner you are.[/color]” “[color=b3446c]My Lady is waiting for me![/color]” Juliana brightly smiled as she thought of her cute fluffy puppy. She missed her so. Her stormy orbs watched as Rhett sat down, moving his clothes over, and opened his phone up. [color=708090]”Oh for god’s sake.”[/color] Alyssa put her fingers to her lips and whistled, one long, high note, and a shorter, low note. In just a few seconds, Alyssa’s own dog, Turk, came onto the scene. The border collie trotted to his owner’s heels, looking up at her as Alyssa scratched underneath her chin. [color=708090]”Wolfe, make yourself useful. Take Ty’s girlfriend, the dog, and Turk to the dog park,”[/color] Alyssa suggested, gesturing absently at Ty, [color=708090]”You could even pick up Duke from your place and also you could leave the castle. I have servants that can do this. Eve and I need peace and alone time.”[/color] [color=eee72a]”Yo, you guys gonna fuck?”[/color] The first words out of Ty’s mouth. Awful. Just awful decision making. [color=708090]”On every possible surface.”[/color] [color=eee72a]”That’s lit take pictures.”[/color] Alyssa scowled, but Wolfe knew when to take a get out of jail free card, and this was a get out jail free card. Hurriedly gesturing at Ty, who shrugged and pulled himself out of the pool, wandering over toward Juliana. Julie with a garbage bag in hand looked at Wolfe in surprise before she squealed like a little kid, “[color=b3446c]Your doggie is named Duke?! What a small world!!! So is my sissy’s doggie![/color]” [color=1d7fe5]”...really? Well, mine’s an Artic husky… C’mere, Turk, we’re gonna go to the park.”[/color] As Wolfe spoke, the dog obediently wandered over to him, Wolfe taking a knee in front of the pup, scratching behind his ear. [color=1d7fe5]”Good to see you too, bud.”[/color] Meanwhile, Ty put his hand on Julie’s butt. “[color=b3446c]NO WAY. YOU’RE JOKING RIGHT?[/color]” Julie disregarded Ty’s butt touch. Her full attention was on Wolfe, “[color=b3446c]Izzy has a husky too!! His coat is a cross between light red and copper and he has the most gorg blue eyes. If she wins the Grand Prix, we’re gonna take a trip to Alaska to watch the Northern Lights with our doggies! Though, I don’t know if Lady can handle the cold... She can hardly handle the arena.[/color]” Ty squeezed the butt. Sure, she wasn’t reacting but hey. It was his right. [color=1d7fe5]”That’s all well and good but frankly I [i]could not[/i] care any less about what you’re currently telling me. I honestly do not even know your sister’s name, and I sometimes struggle to remember yours. My Duke is a former sled dog. He is very old and very tired. He’s black and white and he has blue eyes. He likes to sleep and I allow him to because he’s worked a lot for me.”[/color] “[color=b3446c]That’s so cute! You love your dog so much and don’t worry, I doubt Izzy cares about your name too![/color]” Julie giggled not really realizing how dense she sounded. Once she placed the garbage bag on the floor, she twirled around and wrapped her arms around Ty, “[color=b3446c]Let’s have fun today~[/color]” [color=eee72a]”Every day fun when you’re a g.”[/color] Ty said with a quick raise of his eyebrows, before he stole a kiss. [b]6 New Voicemails. 8 Missed Calls.[/b] Rhett’s expression turned stone cold and it was hard to tell how he was feeling. He scrolled down his list to see who called him. Standing up, he dialed his voicemail and walked away from the pool area, away from everyone. If his eyes met with their faces, he wasn’t staring at them, he was looking passed them. Something was not right. Eve eyed him as he disappeared to the side of the house before gesturing Alyssa with a nod of her head, for them to take their leave. [quote][b]Voicemail 1: [color=#cd5c5c]Rhett. This is your mother. For the third time. I even had your sisters call you. Where are you? The Drakes need you. Please come to Beverly Hills General when you get this.[/color] Voicemail 2: [color=ffb7c5]Rhett! Summer can hardly contain herself! WAKE UP. PICK UP YOUR PHONE. And I don’t even want to tell you what mom’s feeling. I can’t be the only strong one here…[/color] Voicemail 3: [i](Silent whimpering could be heard. Stuttering and choking on her tears, Summer cried)[/i] [color=tomato]I-it’s all my fault. I’m so so s-sorry, Rhett.[/color] [color=ffb7c5]Give me the phone, get in the car. We have to go. Wipe your face, we have to be the strong ones here!.. Hey brother, good morning. It’s really early right now. When you get this, please call Miley. The other women in your life are hyperventilating. Thank you and I hope to see you soon.[/color] [/b][/quote] By now, Rhett’s hand visibly started to shake. His stomach began to curl… he felt sick. What happened? He listened to the next two voicemails from his mother. He could hear how scared she was… why did she sound so frightened? [quote][b]Voicemail 6: [color=e32636]Hey, I know you probably don’t want to hear from me. Hell, I know that after tonight, there isn’t going to be any chance of anything happening further between us. I know that now. I don’t even know why I’m leaving you this message, but just know I’ll do everything I can to fix it. I don’t care what I have to do. You mean so much to me. I won’t give up on--[/color] [/b][/quote] Covering his mouth with his hand, Rhett swallowed hard and his mind went completely blank. This can’t be happening? Can it? This feeling felt too familiar, like when he lost… his father. Tightening his grip on the phone and bringing it to his side, with a lifeless expression on, but internally freaking out, Rhett walked back out with a dark aura around him. This wasn’t the same punk they saw moments ago. Grabbing his clothes, not really caring if his body was still kind of wet, he fastly and mindlessly put on yesterday’s wear before saying lowly, in the most emotionless tone, “[color=#ffbf00]Can one of you give me a ride to the hospital?[/color]” Of the three Elite members that remained, it was Ender that first reacted to Rhett’s sudden appearance, and the way he spoke. It was, of course, Ender that knew what was going on. It reminded him of how he felt and acted around the anniversary of his mother’s death... Ender snuffed out the cigarette he held in his fingers, and stood to his feet, looking over at Wolfe. [color=7d1c7f]”Hey, Sent. I’m gonna run this guy over there. I don’t like dogs that much anyway.”[/color] Wolfe nodded, and Ender walked over to Rhett. [color=7d1c7f]”Come on, my car’s parked out front.”[/color] He said, stuffing his hands into his pockets and walking off, gesturing for Rhett to follow after him. [i]For the most part, the car ride between Ender and Rhett was filled with dead silence. All the punk boy did was stare out the window, his blue gaze never wavering from the direction it was facing. If he was thinking straight, he would have called and texted people like Sierra, Ely, his family, hell, even the Drakes, but… he wasn’t thinking. He [b]couldn’t[/b] think. His mother and sisters were most definitely freaking out about where he was, or perhaps they pushed their worry aside to focus on comforting Riley and Leo (Jackson’s parents). Regardless, Rhett didn’t need to think right now. He didn’t need to feel. There were times where Ender broke the silence to find more details on the matter and Rhett being Rhett was never one to lie or ignore someone, even if he wasn’t in the mood to talk. His responses were short, clear, and straight to the point. His new friend accepted the information he was told, not delving in further since he could tell this issue cut deeper than: my best friend all my life might be dead or dying, or whatever. There was a lingering sadness in Rhett’s tone, as if his words portrayed a time that was no longer here. Within time, they arrived at the hospital. [/i] [center]“The past is over; the present is fleeting; we live in the future.” [sub][color=gray]— Ray Kurzweil[/color][/sub] [/center] [/indent]