[@Quatro] [hider=Tesla] [center] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-LsMdjJl20Sk/U2P1EQsWy3I/AAAAAAAAAzg/mfEz-yoXZZw/s1600/sorcerer_006.jpg[/img] [hider=face][img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/forum/71000/71408_1284823620050_full.jpg[/img][/hider] [i]Nicholas is fairly tall for being only fifteen at around 6'1" but with a very athletic build. His electricity is only matched by his hair and eyes that hold an electric blue. Kepler also has a massive lightning bolt shape that runs down the center of his chest due to an overextension of high endurance training where one of his moves back fired on him.[/i] [u]Name:[/u] [i]Nicholas "Telsa" Kepler[/i] [u]Gender:[/u] [i]Male[/i] [u]Age:[/u] [i]15[/i] [u]Personality: [/u][i]Hyperactive, outgoing. (In combat: Void of expression or emotion [this however is easily broken since he is still young] [/i] [u]Bio:[/u] [i]Son of a Sonokenetic and a electrokenetic he was bound to pick up one of them. Growing up he learned slowly about his abilities mostly thanks to the electrical company's formal complaints about the random power surges that would occur when training. He used to watch his parents go out and fight evildoers and monsters on the TV so his fate had been set. [/i] Quirk: [u]Electrokenesis: Emitter-class?[/u] [i]Nick has the natural ability to control or create electrical currents and fields. What aids him in this is due to a couple things. His body's natural electrical current is well above the normal human or hero, allowing him to hit heavy amounts of power alone and this is also possible thanks to the high level of copper in his body. He is able to not only manipulate his own electricity but also outside sources however, this can cause heavy strain on the body as too much will shut him down or send him into a seizure. [u]Static Pulse (Range 25 ft radius): [/u] [i]This is generated from within Kepler and acts in a similar way that electric eels shock their foes. Kepler generates large electric currents by way of a highly specialized nervous system that has the capacity to synchronize the activity of disc-shaped, electricity-producing cells packed into a specialized electric organ. The nervous system does this through a command nucleus that decides when the electric organ will fire. When the command is given, a complex array of nerves makes sure that the thousands of cells activate at once, no matter how far they are from the command nucleus. When activated, it releases around no less then 1 volt per cell equaling to more than one million volts. It is enough to stun an enemy or send them into muscular convulsions. His ability can come in the form of dome-like pulse or electrical tendrils.[/i] [u]Lightning Mode (Self):[/u] [i]By increasing the electrical current running through his own body in conjunction with the special electro-nervous system, he can increase his own reflexes and enhance his own senses in order to better himself in combat, HOWEVER, this does take a lot out of him physically and will cause him to short circuit if he is not careful.[/i] [u]Spark (range 35 ft):[/u] [i]By concentrating energy to a point in his body he is able to send out an arch of electricity that can branch out along its path like branches. It holds enough electricity to take down a person for some time.[/i] [/i][/center][/hider] [hider=Johnny] [Hider=You know what I think about the human race? You see -] [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Johnny.(JTHM).full.975723.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=You all utterly DISGUST me...][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4o5vdLlhy1r9sk9ao1_500.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Tch..Whatever][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Johnny.(JTHM).full.1071366.jpg[/img][/hider] Johnny stands at around 5'10" with long hair on the top and a shave around the sides and back. He is thin but not in an unhealthy way but his high metabolism does add to this thin look. On his the right side of his chest is tattooed [I]ZN?[/I] Which to him is simply his question to peace and his lack of finding it. Zen? On his back is tattooed his old beaten stuffed animal, [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/2/28/Xshmee.jpg/150px-Xshmee.jpg]Spoopy[/url]. His usual ensemble includes black combat boots with a steel toe, black camo pants, a black long sleeve shirt with white/black striped sleeves, the front of it containing a Cheshire cat smile with the phrase [I]Always Smiling[/I] stitched in hap-hazardly and finally a long black trench coat and fingerless gloves. Name: Johnathan Francis Ives Gender: Male Age: 15 Personality: Johnny is a bit of a suicidal nut, jumping into the fray with little to no care about his own safety which may seem admirable but is a bit more of a nuisance despite his ability to heal. In combat accidents happen and he holds no sympathy for those caught in the crossfire because [I]"They had PLENTY of time to get the fuck outta the way but NOOOOOOOooo, they just HAD to stay and watch the fight."[/I] Now, Johnny doesn't always show it overtly, but he is a bit kinder to kids whether they have a quirk or not but nonetheless he still will hold a bit of animosity to them as he does to the older crowd. His ideals on the world are a bit dark, conceded and a bit crazy, not ever really making sense in his wording but this is also do to his past. Bio: At a young age, John had showed the signs of something special. His ability to throw a chair as a toddler and run at incredible speeds had, in fact, gained a different response from his parents who found him to be nothing more than a freak, a monster, a demon. So through the days growing up, his father would beat him senseless and his mother would neglect him. By the age of 10 he had been removed from his parents home by way of child services and placed in a foster home which sadly was not much better. His foster parents had once caved in his face when he came at them with a kitchen knife in defense against the foster dad. They had buried him in the backyard that night but by morning they had a terrifying shock when they saw Johnny making breakfast that morning before jogging off to school. It was at this point they decided to abandon him, leaving the house and moving out that same day. Five years of other torture through school, foster care and many other things, Johnny had learned to hate the world and those who lived in it, despising them for their actions against those who were different. It didn't take long for him to find a group of pariah with quirks as well, all seemingly running away from the society that had disregarded them as nothing more than monsters. Quirk: His quirk has no name but it is evident that he shows signs of healing factors as seen through his multiple encounters with bad guys ranging from knife wounds to gunshot wounds all the way to being run over by a half ton pickup. To back this up, his body is a bit denser than others and his reflexes give off the impression that he has super strength and speed but simply due to his hyperactive nervous and muscular system. What also stems from this is his enlarged adrenal glands which help add to the illusion of his super strength and speed by excreting abnormal amounts of the chemical found in these glands. This helps protect him from pain and also helps increase his reflexes. Extras: - Due to the amount of times he has broken bones and twisted body parts in varying degrees, he has gained a bit of flexibility to himself, able to bring his feet above his head and bend in some ways that contortionists are able to. - He loves to drink and smoke cigarettes - Listens to many different genres of music[/hider]