Nathan had began to start doing some of the dishes when his phone went off. Not wanting to get his phone yet, he decided to finish washing the dishes and dried his hand on a towel before checking his phone. [color=firebrick]"Great, I'll see you later."[/color] he had texted back. He was glad that James had agreed to come over. He wanted to talk about Vanessa and Rachel. Mostly about how he was thinking about ending things with Rachel. While she was a nice girl, he just didn't feel anything more than a baseless physical attraction and her ditsy personality drove him crazy at times. It wouldn't be fair to either of them if he just kept going with that. While he was enjoying the fact that he was finally seeing a girl for the first time since he graduated from high school, he'd prefer to find a girl who would keep him on his toes, someone who really understood him. On the other hand, ending things with Rachel will probably fuck things up between James and Vanessa. Perhaps the girls weren't as petty as that, but if James had a real shot with a girl, Nathan wouldn't want to be the one to screw it up. Plus, Vanessa would probably end up beating him up for hurting her best friend. Maybe the easiest thing for him to do was to scare Rachel off with his dirty little secret. It would probably send her running for the hills, but Millington was a small town. Word would spread and who would want anything to do with him if they found out? Better not say a word. Nathan sighed as he thought about everything. He forgot all the drama that came with seeing someone. He was hoping that James would give him some decent advice or maybe ask Vanessa about how Rachel felt to gauge out where this was all going. Nathan was startled when his phone went off again. However, instead of a reply from James, he had gotten a text from Rachel. [color=pink]"Hey sweetie! Are you free today? Do you want to take me shopping?"[/color] the text had read. Well, it was a good thing that he had made plans. [color=firebrick]"Sorry... James is coming over. We're having a bro-afternoon,"[/color] he texted her back in a matter of seconds. [color=pink]"Aw... fine... I'll go with my other friends then. Have fun! Miss you! XOXO"[/color] [color=firebrick]"Uhhuh, I will. You have fun too."[/color] He wondered if she had noticed that his texts had been lacking lately. If she had, she hadn't made a big deal about it. But it was a pretty good hint that he was no longer into her. Aware that he still had some time before James to arrive, he went back to his room and laid in his bed for a moment. He began to play some music on his phone as he waited. [color=firebrick][i]"I think I'm done fooling around. Geez, I'd never thought I'd ever think that but maybe I should focus on starting something serious,"[/i][/color] he sighed to himself. [color=firebrick][i]"And I should get rid of that nasty habit of mine."[/i][/color] He glanced over towards his closet that had a lock on it to ensure that no one would ever see what was behind the door. But he knew that it was going to be hard to for him to quit, not when he enjoyed himself too much.