[hr][center][color=009496][h1]Tahlia Spade[/h1][/color][/center][hr] Tahlia kept scrolling through one of the screens next to the pilot's seat to confirm what was happening. The ship was definitely caught in something that was pulling it away from their planned course. What it was, how big it was, and how far away was unclear, but Tahlia held on to her slightly far-fetched suspicion. She supposed it wasn't exactly far-fetched. More just... hard to believe, regardless of how likely it seemed given the circumstances. Tahlia turned around and leaned herself to one side of the chair as she heard someone entering the cockpit. Echo stood in the doorway, seemingly with a sense of caution. [color=009496]"Not gonna lie, we may be in a weird situation. I'll fill you in once the others show up, but for right now, I need you to get on that computer and check for any damage, mainly on the engines,"[/color] she said, pointing to the monitor on the left side of the cockpit. As she was finishing her sentence, Yazmin walked in, her arm seemingly repaired, or at least functional. [color=009496]"Glad to see you're not hurt,"[/color] she started, examining the limb out of curiosity. [color=009496]"Now, if you would, I need you to get on the other computer and see if you can find something in front of the ship. Anything, I don't care what. It's still a good distance away, but we're closing on it pretty quickly,"[/color] she said, gesturing to the computer on the right. [color=009496]"I'll tell you what's going on when Owen and Benji get here."[/color] She turned back to the front to ensure the ship was still oriented towards the anomaly. She saw that it was, but she also noticed that the ship was beginning to decelerate. Evidently they were getting close to their new neighbors.