Ashleigh driffted in and out of a daze as Paulina carried her, not caring where the other girl was taking her, what they would be doing. The movement of Paulina walking, the comfort of her presence, was enough to send Ashleigh into a daze. for a brief moment, it was just Paulina, just herself. The other students emotions seemed faint, far away, and Ashleigh let out a soft, lingering sigh. The spark of fear from liam fired her for a moment, but she seem relaxed again, muttering [color=f6989d]"Liam is scared....It's my fault, whatever I did with Aliaster...."[/color] She lost track of what she was saying, and rested her head against Paulina's shoulder. [color=f6989d]"Aliaster....must talk to..."[/color] Ashliegh figured that Paulina might keep people away from her, for the rest of the day at least, But Ashleigh felt like that might be the worst thing possible. She needed to figure out just what she had done.... but first, a nap seemed in order. She was soon asleep against Paulina. [@Thundercrash]